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Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers for John Parry, farmer

Place name:





1. Will [3 pages] dated
22 April 1776 .
Beneficiaries: To granddaughters, Ann and Lidia Parry, £30 which money is in the hands of Thomas Watkins of Llanveynoe, yeoman. The Money to be divided equally between them and it and the interest to be spent at the discretion of the executor 'towards  givin them school and learning  as long as the said sum of money and interest shall last.' They are not to 'receive no benefit from the said money  principal or interest  while they  are with or  under the care of their stepfather James Watkins'.The girls are also to get a feather bed and appurtenances and a fine sheet, one hogshead and a one barrel.
To grandson, John Parry £15 'towards giving him learning  and putting him to some trade
To his executor he leaves a mare, saddle, pair of traces and a pair of wheels all in the custody of James Watkins  In addition his executor is to have choice the deceased's wearing apparel disposing of the rest as he the executor sees fit.
To grandchildren, the children of Richard Wood, £16 which is already in the hands of their father viz. £4 to Mary and £3 each to Elizabeth, Lidia, Hannah and James. Also to Hannah Wood one feather bed and appurtenances and one fine sheet; and to Lidia Wood one kettle and a heifer calf. Hannah and Lidia are to have 'all they do know is my property as they can find  with their father at Lwnfilly.
To Joan Penry, housekeeper, £5, one cow of her choice and a third part of all cheese, butter and meat at the time of his death. She is also to have the farm 'during the term I took it for … till first day of May after my decease and my executor is to pay the rent and all taxes and my housekeeper Joan Penry her wages.'
To Mary  Perrot , kinswoman, £1 and to Mary Lewis of Lanigon, 10/-
Any residual monies to be divided amongst his Wood grandchildren.
His executor to have his choice of the household stuff  and the remainder to be distributed as the executor sees fit to his grandchildren

Executor Thomas Williams of Lanigon, Co. Brecon

Marked by testator

Wtnesses Thomas Watkins, William Watkins and James Williams

Date of Probate: 16 February 1778

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
15 June 1776 , value £130 1 0d. Appraisers Thomas Watkins and James Williams.




Number of documents, 6.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0226