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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers for Noah Ychan, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages] dated
18 December 1679 .
Beneficiaries: To his three youngest sisters, Mary, Sible and Ruth Ychan, the messuage and lands called Tyre Lough - Dee in Llanveynoe now in the tenure of James Watkines.
Bearing in mind the financial help given by his late father, Howell Ychan, to his two eldest sisters, Jane, now wife of James Parry, gent and Katherine, now the wife of George Price, he bequeathes his capital messuage in Llanveynoe, wherein Ales Powell, his grandmother, and Katherine Ychan, his mother now dwell, to his youngest sisters, Mary, Sible and Ruth.
Residual legatee to be his mother Katherine, and, after her death, to the same three sisters equally.

Mary, Sible and Ruth to be joint executrices.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: David Probert, Charles Thomas, Howell Watkins, Margaret Rogers, Ro: Jenkins.

Date of probate:
23 February 1679/80

2. Inventory: dated
16 February 1679/80 , value £25 10 0d. Appraisers: David Price, Ro: Jennings .




Number of documents 6. His inventory lists a field called Brookes Meadow, or Gwrlod-y-Brookes, held by lease from John Williams, Esq. Lord of part of the manor of Ewyas Lacy. The 99 year lease includes the lives of Ruth Ychan and Gilbert Jenkynes. Also listed are 'Severall Prynted Bookes of Divinity and History'.

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