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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers for William Price

Place name:





1. Will [4 pages] dated
14 June 1662 .
Beneficiaries: He quotes a outstanding mortgage deed on the messuage and lands of John Jones of Longtown, made between John Jones and William Price, which he leaves to his two sons, William and Thomas Price, equally.
To his eldest son, John Price, £20 due from a bond. The £20 remaining on the bond he gives to his executors towards the payment of his debts.
His two youngest sons, William and Thomas, were to have 6 cattle between them and his eldest son John his four oxen and implements of husbandry. The rest of his cattle he leaves to his wife, Sibill, and all corn and grain towards payment of rent and her maintenance and that of the children.
The sum of £10 due from Lewis Powell was to be used by his executors to pay for his funeral.
To his sons, William and Thomas, two feather beds 'which I had from my mother'. Various other small bequests of household goods and livestock to members of the family. His wife Sibill and son John

Wife Sibill and [There is a large hole here] to be executors.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: [Much of this line is obliterated] Howell Ychan, … Watkin [?], Thomas Powell, Arnold Price, [hole] Parry.

Date of probate:
18 July 1662 .

2. Inventory: [2 pages] dated
16 July 1662 value £77 3 8d. Appraisers: Wa: Morgan, Howell Ychan, Thomas Watkins, Arnold Price




Number of documents 8. Documents include a Bond dated 18 July 1662 with bounden Sibill Price of Llanvinoe, widow, John Price of Michaelchurch Eskley, gent and Arnold Price of the same place [ in another document marked by NLW as BR/1662/26 X John Price is recorded as being from Walterston and Arnold Price from Michaelchurch Eskley] in the sum of £100. Confirming Sibill's obligations as executrix of her husband's estate. The document marked X dated the same date as the bond and in the form of a bond with the same three people bound in a sum of £200 permits the original will to be used in legal disputes over 'certain Lands and Tenements in the sayd will.'

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0242