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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers of John Phillipps, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated
21 September 1715
Beneficiaries: To Syble his wife all his household goods and victuals, two of his 'best kine called by the name of Lion [?] and Gentle, my best yoake of Oxen', and various other items of livestock, corn, grain and fodder. To Syble all the rents due to him from his tenant, Lewis Watkins, in Longtown, and £10. Another £6 to be spent on his funeral.
To his sister Mary Roberts, £5, and 20/- to her daughter, Mary and to her son, John.
To his niece Elizabeth, wife of William Hunt, £5.
To Richard, John and Sybil Phillipp and Margarett Price, the sons and daughters of his brother Richard, £4 each.
To godson David Price, 20/-.
To kinsmen Thomas and Peter How, 10/- each.
To Martha, his goddaughter, the daughter of John Parry of Llanveynoe, gent, 5/-.
To John Gilbert of Llanveynoe, labourer, 5/-. To Martha Meredith his goddaughter, 5/-.
To the three daughters of William Hunt, one ewe lamb each.
The residue of his estate to brother Richard Phillipps.

Brother Richard Phillips is to be executor.

Mark of testator.

Witnesses: Thomas Price, David Williams, Tho: Price.

Date of probate:

2. Inventory: dated
15 October 1715 , value £88.5.0. Appraisers: Nathan Lewis, Asa Lewis, Thomas David.




Number of documents 3

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0234