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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers of Lewis James, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated
29 March 1676 .
Beneficiaries: To wife, Ursula, his property leased from Thomas Windham, bearing date 1 July 1672, and after her death to John Symonds provided he pays the following sums, £3 to 'Markared', his sister, £2 to John Rees Howell, Thomas Watkins and 'Charles Thos: Jo:' or to either or any of them unto John Symonds property in the possession of William Treheirne held by lease from Thomas Windam [Windham] dated 1 July 1672, £3 to Johne Mile, £3 to Henry Price, £2 to John Ifon [?] Symonds. To Elizabeth Rowland the 'third parte of the buildings upon the above said Lands and one Close...called Cae-writ [?] and another called y Croft and alidile [?a little] patch called pen grwlod', then to Sara Rowland during the term of the lease.
The house and lands aforementioned 'unto John Symonds after the space of the   six yeares afore mentioned unto Sara Rowland', Mary, and Elizabeth Rowland, and Ambia equally for the term of the lease.
A further £2 to Elizabeth and Ambia Rowland, and two ewes and lambs between them.
Ursula his wife to be residual legatee, but other small legacies to be made after her death include one lease [not named] to Elizabeth, wife of John Symonds and another lease to the four daughters of William Rowland, and Margaret James one moiety of household goods.

Ursula to be sole executrix.

Mark of testator.

Witnesses: John Rice Howell, Thomas Mile, Mald Price, Hen: Symonds.

Date of probate:
8 March 1676

2. Inventory: dated
3 April 1676 , value £28 3 0d. Appraisers: David Thomas, Phillipp David, John Watkins




Number of documents 5. Includes a Bond dated 20 march 1676 with bounden Phillip Nathaniel and John Symonds both of Clodock in the sum of £200. appointing Phillip Nathaniel administrator of the estate.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0260