Held at:

Private Collection




Original Document


Release of Legacy and Assignment of Leasehold in premises called Rothorus and David Pritchards Lands

Place name:





Release of Legacy dated 3rd July 1795

By Thomas Watkins of Clodock, yeoman.

Whereas Philip Perrott late of Llanveynoe in his will dated 29th September 1792 did, inter alia, give a messuage called Rothorus in his own occupation and another messuage called David Pritchards Lands then in the occupation of Thomas Evans, unto Thomas Watkins in Trust to sell. The proceeds to pay off the mortgage and a legacy to Elizabeth Edwards of £20 and to Jane Edwards her daughter of £80 plus any surplus.

The properties are now sold to Thomas Evans of Llanveynoe for £190 and the mortgage and first legacy are paid.

Thomas Evans and son Thomas Evans have entered into a Bond with Thomas Watkins of £160 conditional on payment of £4 to Thomas Watkins yearly during the minority of Jane Edwards and £80 when she is 21.


Assignment of Leasehold premises dated 18th July 1795

Between Thomas Watkins of Llanveynoe yeoman, Elizabeth Edwards of same widow and Thomas Evans of same yeoman.

Whereas John Jeffreys of West Sheen, Surrey Esq by Indenture for Lease dated 18th June 1752 demised to John Lewis of Clodock yeoman, a cottage and three acres in the Forest of Olchon opposite Baily Bach and called David Pritchards Lands for 99 years at 6d pa and for the lives of Mary his wife aged 26, Ann daughter aged 3 and Mary daughter aged 1.

Whereas by several assignments, the cottage is now vested in Philip Perrott and demised to Thomas Watkins in Trust.

Thomas Watkins contracts to sell to Thomas Evans for £20.



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Ref: tg_llv_0033