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Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Parish Church of St Clodock: architecture, construction and history

Place name:

Longtown, Clodock


Up to 1700



(1) PARISH CHURCH OF ST. CLODOCK (Plate 6) stands on the left bank of the Monnow, in the S. part of the parish. The walls are of the local shaly sand-stone with dressings of the same material; the roofs are covered with ordinary slates and stone slates. The Nave was built probably in the second half of the 12th century. The Chancel was rebuilt in the I3th century. Probably early in the 15th century the West Tower was added or rebuilt. There is little evidence of the date of the South Porch which may be as old as the 13th century. The church has been buttressed at various times and restored in the 19th century.



Architectural Description—The Chancel (29 ¼ ft. by 18 ft.) has an E. window, probably of late 13th-century date and of three lights, the two side lights pointed and the middle light formed by carrying the mullions up to the two-centred main head; below the window is a wide recess with a four-centred head of tufa and a modern S. jamb. In the N. wall is a small 13th-century lancet-window. In the S. wall is a window, perhaps of the 16th century and of two square-headed lights, with moulded external reveals; further W. is a blocked 13th-century lancet-window, not visible in¬ternally; near the W. end of the wall is a doorway, reconstructed at some late period; it has chamfered jambs and a roughly rounded arch with a relieving-arch above it; E. of the doorway are straight joints indicating the position of a former and perhaps earlier doorway. The late 12th-century chancel-arch is two-centred and of two chamfered orders; the responds are also of two orders, the outer plain and the inner with an attached shaft with a moulded base and a scalloped or fluted capital; the bases have spur-ornaments; the responds have been strengthened by the addition of a third plain order perhaps of the 17th or 18th century. The ends of the adjoining walls have been rebuilt at the same time and toothings left, showing the intention to rebuild the side walls of the chancel.

The Nave (61 ½ ft. by 26 ¾ ft.) has in the N. wall two windows, each of one round-headed light. In the S. wall are four windows; the easternmost is similar to the E. window; the second window is c. 1340 and of three trefoiled ogee lights with tracery in a square head ; the early 16th-century third window is of one cinque-foiled light in a four-centred head, with casement-moulded external reveals; the 15th-century westernmost window is set high in the wall, and perhaps reset, to light the gallery, and is of two cinquefoiled ogee lights with tracery in a four-centred head, with casement-moulded external reveals ; E. of this window is the round head of a blocked 12th-century window; the S. doorway, of the 13th or 14th century, has chamfered jambs and two-centred head, mostly re-tooled.

The West Tower (11 ¾ ft. square), probably of early 15th-century date, is of three stages with an embattled parapet, one plain spout and one grotesque gargoyle. The ground stage has in the E. wall a doorway with chamfered jambs and four-centred head; the S. and W. walls have each a plain square-headed light. The second stage has in the N., S. and W. walls a square-headed loop. The bell-chamber has in each wall a window of two trefoiled lights in a segmental-pointed head. On the E. face of the tower is the weathering of a roof over the nave, of slightly steeper pitch than the existing roof.

The South Porch has an outer archway with plain jambs and roughly pointed head. There is a long vertical crack in the gable which has been patched with roofing-tiles.

The Roof of the chancel is of trussed-rafter type, but has been ceiled with modern boarding. The roof of the nave is of similar type and has also been ceiled with modern boarding; there are seven moulded tie-beams, probably of early 16th-century date, and the moulded wall-plates are of the same section.

Fittings—Bells: five; 1st by John Finch, 1663; 3rd, 1624 ; 5th by John Finch, 1649, with same maker's mark as 1st.

Brackets: in nave—on E. wall, S. of chancel-arch, (i) semi-octagonal with chamfered lower edge, (2) rectangular, with moulded face with chamfer below, 13th-century.

Chests: in nave—against N. wall, hutch type with solid ends, moulded edges to front and back, solid lid with moulded rim and hung on three strap-hinges ; three lock plates on front; front carved with date 1695. Against W. wall, dug out, rebated for lid which is missing, much worn and worm-eaten, 13th-century.

Communion Rails: facing front and sides of sanctuary, with square sill, moulded rail, turned balusters and two square posts surmounted by turned ball-finials on either side of entrance with gate uniform with rest of railing, late 17th-century.

Communion Table: with four turned legs, moulded stretchers, chamfered top rails, c. 1700, with modern addition to top and modern front and back top rails.

Doors: in chancel—to S. doorway, with segmental head, nail-studded and battened and hung on strap-hinges, 17th-century. In nave—to S. doorway, with two-centred head, nail-studded and battened and hung on two strap-hinges, 16th-century; to doorway to vise, battened, partly nail-studded and with one old strap-hinge, 16th-century. To entrance from nave W. tower, battened and hung on pair of strap-hinges; small wicket cut in middle of door and hung on pair strap-hinges, 16th-century.

Font: with curved circular bowl, short round shaft and base, 13th-century Font-Cover: of wood planks dowelled together a ornamented on top with incised rings ; square iron handle, 17th-century.

Gallery: across W. end nave, with moulded front beam supported on two rectangular posts with fluted fronts, moulded sides plain backs and small moulded caps planted on; under side of gallery with exposed joists (some modern) and above front beam, gallery-front with bolection moulded panels and moulded rail; floor of gallery raised three stages forming three tiers of seats with moulded edges to seats and backs with moulded top rail support on small turned balusters ; seats stop short of S. wall; and terminate in panelled sides. Staircase to gallery in two flights with moulded string and handrails, square newels and turned balusters, c. 1700.

Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments : In churchyard—S. nave, (1) much weathered slab with lower part of effigy (?); (2) to Ann Jenkins, 1707, headstone (3) to Howell Powell, 1712, Ann his wife, 1712 and others later, table-tomb with enriched slab and angles of baluster-section ; (4) to Noah Vaughan, 167 later table-tomb with re-used enriched slab and shield-of-arms ; S. of tower, (5) to Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Simonds, 1708, table-tomb. Floor-slabs: In chancel- (1) to …..        , 1705; (2) to W.G., 1663, scratched inscription ;  (3) to ……., 1663;  (4) to Thomas Gwillim, 1685, and Catherin Gwillim, 1704-5. In nave-(5) to Thomas Symonds, 1661; (6) to William Simond 1661 ; (7) to Thomas Price, 1671-2; (8) to Lewis Philip, 1676, enriched slab ; (9) to Abednego Prichard 1681-2 ; (10) to Mar . . . Thomas, 1674 ; (11) to WE 1702 and A.E., 1707; (12) to C.N., 1710 ; (13) to H.T.1703; (14)  to  John  Edwards, 1710-11.   

Paintings: In nave—on soffit of rear-arch   and around easternmost window in N. wall, in   red   on  yellow  and white   ground,  traces   of   floral   pattern   on   soffit, mediaeval;   to E.  of above traces  of illegible black letter inscription, 16th or 17th-century.   Above gallery stairs,   head of cherub in red and black and traces of (?) Decalogue, 17th-century.    E.   of above, two rectangular panels with semi-circular heads and conventional floral borders, inscribed with the Decalogue 18th-century.    Small   fragment of painting showing what   may   possibly be portions   of a spear and a house   or   tabernacle   in   yellow   and red (?),   15th century.    On N. wall—a much defaced Royal Arms probably of George I.    Piscina :  in nave—in S. wall with trefoiled  head with cylindrical  cusp-points and projecting rectangular shelf with chamfered corners under edge and rectangular drain, head probably early 14th-century, drain 12th-century.   

Pulpit:     Three-decker.    Octagonal in plan, with bolection-moulded panelled sides and moulded and coved cornice forming book-rest; S. side carried up in two bolection-moulded panels,   flanked   by  carved and   pierced   scrolls   and flowers and supporting octagonal sounding-board with moulded architrave, pulvinated frieze, moulded cornice and panelled soffit with central boss carved as conventional flowers, c. 1700, incorporating some earlier 17th-century panelling ;   approached by timber stair of late 18th-century date ;  lower clerk's desk below with elided   cornice   as   book-rest.   

Royal Arms:    See paintings.   

Seating:    in   chancel—against   N.    wall, box quire-stall, with front panelled in two tiers with plain lower  panels   and  upper  panels   carved  with incised  conventional  foliage  and  border  and  upper parts of styles similarly enriched, panelled door at E. end with bolection-moulded  lower panel and carved upper panel;   back against wall panelled with two tiers of panels,  upper panel  carved  with  grotesque Boosters, also cut date 1657.    Against W. wall, on either side of chancel-arch, two box pews with shaped ends enriched with carved floral ornament and that on N. side with two moulded pyramidal finials   against N. wall and door with two moulded   panels, c. 1657, probably   repaired   or   rebuilt   c.    1700.    In   nave— against N. and S. walls, formerly   box-pews, partly constructed,   but   incorporating   various   types   of panelling, including (a)   17th-century panelling with flush mouldings to framing; (b) moulded framing and splayed   panels   of c.   1700;    (c)   bolection-moulded panelling of c. 1700 with, in some cases, the mouldings planted on to 17th-century panelling; (d) panelling of c.1600 with stop-moulded framing; in middle of nave - range of pews, mostly of box-type with doors hung shaped hinges and some with top rails enriched with conventional carving;   two pews with turned finials; pews carved with following incised dates, 1660, E TI 1668 and W 1701.    Against gallery-staircase,   bench with four turned legs, plain stretchers, moulded rails beneath seat and moulded rim to seat;  against E. wall, S. of chancel-arch, smaller but similar bench to above with carving in relief on top of seat,   17th-century (see also Gallery).  

Miscellanea: Lych Gate; built into modern stone walls, on either side of gate, posts, with cross-beam supported  by  brackets  with  small  truss above of pedimental form;   on face of beam, incised date 1667 ;  roof over gate rebuilt.




Plate 6




Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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