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Herefordshire Record Office




Original document


Resettlement order for a Longtown pauper: Francis Munn

Place name:

Longtown, Llanelly




The transcription below is an extract from an order for resettlement under Poor Law and Settlement legislation.  For an introduction to resettlement issues click here.

Examination for a removal from Llanelly to Longtown, March 1848
Francis Munn

...Who on his oath saith touching his chargeability and place of legal settlement – I am now about fifty eight years of age and was born as I have been informed and believe in the parish of Clifford in the County of Hereford. I am the lawful son of Francis Munn and Ann Munn. When I was about fourteen years of age I was hired by my parents to Hugh Lewis of the said parish of Clifford farmer for a year. I served the year and my parents received my wages. I don’t know what the amount was after serving my time with Mr Lewis I hired myself for a year to one Benjamin Tidley [Titley] of Gridol farm in the parish of Clodock...at wages in money of four pounds. I served that year and resided with the said Benjamin Tidley in the said parish of Clodock during the whole time and received my wages in full. I then without quitting immediately hired myself for another year which I served and received my wages and so continued in the service of the said Mr Tidley for seven years, hiring each year for the year and receiving my wages and residing with the said Mr Tidley in his House...during the whole time. Upon quitting Mr Tidley’s Service I immediately hired myself to one James Gilbert of the [?Cwm] farm in the parish of Llancillo during the whole year which I served and received my wages in full I then immediately hired myself to John Gwillim of Llancillo Hall in the same parish of Llancillo for a year at wages in money of Seven pounds and ten shillings. I entered in my service and served the whole year residing all the time in the said parish of Llancillo and received my wages in full. I then without quitting immediately hired myself for a second year to the said John Gwillim at wages in money of Seven Guinneas and a half. I served that year also residing the whole time in the parish and received my wages in full. I then immediately hired mysef to James [?Powell] of Penyrheol in the Township of Longtown...for one year at wages in money of nine pounds. I entered on my Service and served the whole year residing all the time in the said parish of Clodock and received my wages in full – that last hiring was upwards of twenty two years ago. Up to that time and during all the Service hereinbefore mentioned I was unmarried and without child or children. I then took to working for myself at weekly wages and continued to do so until Seventeen years ago come June I was married by [?Banns] to my present wife Ann (then Ann Lewis) at the parish church of Llanover in the County of Monmouth by whom I have [?] three children now living with me namely Charles now aged thirteen years Frances aged Eleven years and Ann aged four years or thereabouts respectively neither [sic] of whom have gained a settlement in their own right. After my marriage I continued to work at weekly wages until about a year and a half ago when I went up to Brynmawr to work as a miner and have continued to do so to the present time. I am now sick in consequence of an accident received in the work and unable to maintain myself and my family and I have received relief from the relieving officer of the Crickhowell Union in which the said parish is situated and I am actually chargeable to the parish of Llanelly so far as I know and believe I was never apprenticed. I never rented any tenement of the yearly value of ten pounds nor served any parish office nor did any Act whereby to gain a Settlement except as is before mentioned. [signed] Francis Munn.

Taken and Sworn at the residence of the said pauper Francis Munn in the said parish of Llanelly... Before me Edward Lewis one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Brecon [31 March 1848]

I hereby certify and report that I have this day visited the pauper Francis Munn and that he unable from sickness to be brought to the Petty Sessions to be examined as to his place of settlement. [signed] Edward Lewis, one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Brecon [31 March 1848]

The Examination of Evan Garry of Brynmawr in the said parish of Llanelly...Surgeon...taken before the undersigned two of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace [?concerning] the chargeability and settlement of Francis Munn who upon his oath saith: I have attended Francis Munn the pauper now chargeable to the said parish of Llanelly for several months. He is now confined to his House and unable to be brought to the Petty Sessions to be examined and his Evidence as to Settlement has been taken today at his own residence – his sickness so occasioned by a disease of the Stomach from which he cannot in my opinion ever recover. I have no doubt such sickness will produce permanent disability. [Signed] Evan Garry



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Ref: nw_lon_1030