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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Ann Lanne, spinster

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages]dated 2 December 1669
Beneficiaries:To Mr John Delahay, vicar of Clodock, 6/8d, 'to preach at my funeral in lieu of my forgotten tythes'.
[The remainder of this will is a mass of small legacies of £2 or less largely to sons and daughters of relations and debtors]
Finally £1 to be put out in bread for distribution to the poor who attend her burial, with £2 to cover the expenses of her burial.

Executors: cousin, William Abraham

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Hugh Bytton [?welsh spelling of Button], Morgan Abraham, Marjorie Abraham and John Symonds

Date of Probate: 12 January 1669

2. Inventory: dated
24 December 1669 , value £34 0 0d. Appraisers John Symonds and James Jenkins.




The inventory lists this spinsters debtors and only values her household stuff and implements at £1. It would seem from the items she left to various people in her will that they had all claimed their goods before the inventory was taken. As to the debtors, whilst a couple feature in the will she also mentions 4 others in the will with money '…which I have in hand from him…'.
Documents include a Bond; 4 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_clo_0367