Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Pritchard, mason

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages] dated 13 April 1839:

Beneficiaries: To wife, Ann, 'the whole of my personal property together with the whole of my freehold property whatsoever… that I now live in and all that freehold property called Lower House' for her lifetime, then:
To Henry, son, on his acquisition, Henry to pay 'my daughter', Ann £7 out of the Lower House estate.
To Ann, daughter, 'all that freehold property I now live in called the Upper House'.

Executor: Son, Henry and daughter, Ann.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: William Williams, John Rogers & Charles Roberts, surrogate.

Date of Probate:
21 October 1839 .

2. Inventory: dated 7 September, value £22 10 0d 1839. Appraisers Henry Harris & John Rogers




This will contains some complex instructions for the disposal of his estate unto the third generation, not included above. Additional documents include a covering letter dated ' Nov 11 39 ' from Charles Roberts at the Clodock Vicarage sending the will for probate, marked, X3. A list of the expenses of probate marked, X2, and a Bond and form of oath marked X1. All documents originally came wrapped in a contemporary notice concerning Duties on Game Certificates, preserved with them, 9 sheets in all.

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