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Probate Collection; Will for Fabian Phillipps

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1. Will dated 16 March 1652 .
To wife Oliffe [Olive?] and uncle Edward Howell John, 2 parcels of arable land called Hollen Moor or Mallon Moor and Cay Morgan situated in Longtown on condition it is used to pay as much of his debts as it is worth or can be sold for.
Also to Oliffe and uncle Edward, the testator's leased messuage etc. in Longtown, held of Howell John Thomas for a term of 97 tears, for the remainder of the lease. Again on condition it is used to discharge the remainder of his debts. Any surplus to be divided equally between his 4 daughters, Wynifreed, Elizabeth, Syra and Mary.
To wife, Oliffe, for her lifetime, the moiety of the barn and land purchased of uncle Edward and lying in Longtown. The other half to uncle Edward for his lifetime and on his death it to pass to Oliffe. On her death the whole property to pass to daughter Margaret on condition that she pays 40/- per year to the other children [here the meaning of the will is unclear as he next states that when Oliffe dies all his land to pass to Mary and she to pay '£30 equally to the other children' whether this is £30 each or £30 shared is not clear and neither how it fits in with the 40/- payment also on her mother's death]
All the rest of his goods and chattels to Oliffe and uncle Edward
To Oliffe, ' ye house wherein my mother dwelleth with one acre of ground there about' On Oliffe's death to his children equally between them. The household stuff in this house to daughter Margaret.

Executors: wife, Oliffe and uncle Edward Howell John with overseers, cousins, William Vaughan, John Watkine and James Nicholl.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: John Watkine, Rees Thomas
Prichard , Margaret Jenkins, Thomas Gregory.

Date of Probate:.4 July 1653.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0294