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The National Archive, Kew




Digital Image of original copy


Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Hybart of The Crown, inn holder

Place name:





1. Will dated 6 February 1834 .
To his wife Elizabeth, the enjoyment of a house in Ross [Ross on Wye] left him in his brother's will after the death of his brother's widow, Ann, should
Elizabeth survive Ann. The brother died in 1813. On the deaths of both Ann and Elizabeth the house to be shared between his sons.
To wife, Elizabeth, a half share in a house in
Hereford city occupied by his sister, Ann Trumper [?] and left him on her death and after Elizabeth 's death to be shared by the children.
To John Prosser, son of sister in law Blanch Prosser, £10
To granddaughter, Ann Hybart, daughter of Hugh Hybart, £5.
To grandson, Thomas Hybart, son of Hugh Hybart, £5.

Executors: Thomas Hybart, hatter of Ross and James Jones, hatter of
Ludlow .

Signed.by the testator.

Witnesses: David Williams, clk, John Rogers, clk and John Rogers jnr

Date of Probate:
26 May 1835 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0284