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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; w ill and documents for Thomas Penry, Innkeeper

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages] dated 12 December 1849, with signature:

Beneficiaries: All his estate, both personal possessions and freehold estate, The New Inn, The Little Wain and Penposound [Pen-pwll-sond?] etc to be sold, less furniture required by wife Margaret and the proceeds to pay off the mortgage and the balance to be invested with the interest paid to Margaret until her death.
After Margaret's death the proceeds of the above sale to be disbursed as follows:
To each of 2 grandchildren Sarah and Marjory Samuel, daughters of daughter Ann, £40
To daughter, Mary, £100
To the children of daughter, Sarah, Margaret Pritchard, granddaughter, £60 and William Pritchard, grandson, £40
To daughter, Margaret, £100
In addition land called Castle land, leased by the testator from the Earl of Abergavenny, is to be rented out and the rent invested with the balance of the proceeds from the sale of the freehold lands during his wife's lifetime; and thereafter his interest in the lease is to be sold and the proceeds added to the funds remaining after the specific legacies listed above have been paid out and this remainder is to be disbursed amongst the family on a share and share alike basis, viz. one share to the Samuel grandchildren, one share to son, Henry, one share to daughter Mary Hughes, one share to daughter, Elizabeth Tare[?], one share to be divided between Margaret and William Pritchard, grandchildren and 'one share to my daughter Margaret'.

Executor: John Hughes of the Union House

By Codicil dated
24 July 1856 Rev Charles Proberts is appointed co executor. Witnesses: Caroline Watkins & George Jones.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Rev Charles Proberts & Thomas Parry

Date of Probate:
4 December 1856

2. Inventory: none, but cover sheet indicates value of £300.




This is a complex but clear will. It includes a separate cover sheet, registration instruction and deposition by the Rev Proberts before the Archdeacon's Court. 6 pages in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0218