Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate collection; Will and documents for John Barrell, blacksmith

Place name:




Description :

1. Will dated 13 March 1735 :

Beneficiaries: To 'My loving wife shall have the use profit and advantage of ...my estates both real and personal'. On her death all to my daughter Elizabeth she paying one shilling to each of my other children.

Executrix: Elizabeth Jones, daughter, wife of Howard Jones.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Charles Hunt, Samuell Thomas & Benjamin Jennings.

Date of Probate:
14 July 1742 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
16 April 1740 , value £19 17 0d. Appraisers Samuell Jenkins and Charles Hunt.




This will seems to have been contested, accompanying it is an instruction to take depositions from the witnesses to the will, X4. The depositions of Charles Hunt and Samuell Thomas, X2 and X3 respectively and the Court judgement, X1. There is a separate cover sheet. 13 pages in all

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0169