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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate collection; Will and documents for John Gwillim, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages]dated 25 September 1797:

Beneficiaries: To John Gwillim, cousin, of the Wigga, Rowleston and brother, Robert Gwillim all lands etc and a water grist mill now tenanted by said brother, Robert of Wain Herbert in Newton, and Richard Harret of Longtown. To be held in trust with the profits and rents to be applied to the clothing and education of the 3 children of servant Hannah Jenkins and their mother until all the children attain the age of 21. Thereafter the lands, premises etc to go to John the son of Hannah his heirs and assigns for ever
If John dies before reaching 21 then the estate to pass to his brother, William, and should he also die before he is 21 then to their sister Blanch
If John lives to inherit he is to pay his brother and sister £50 each the £100 to be charged against that part of the estate called Cae Grosen ' Lately purchased of Walter Jeffreys Esq.'
Hannah Jennings is to have a competent provision and maintenance for her lifetime.
To John, son of Hannah, the best bed, cubbert [cupboard] in the chamber, Ashhouses Body of Divinity and gun.
To William 'my desk box'
To Blanch 'my chest and drawers'
All the rest of my household furniture to be equally divided between William and Blanch.
The house and garden are to be excepted together with keeping a cow and a pig to provide a home for the 3 children and their mother. Brother Robert is to be permitted to cross the land as he has in the past.

Executors: John Gwillim, cousin and Robert Gwillim, brother.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Richard Harret, John Davies & John Exton

Date of Probate:
11 September 1798 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
16 July 1798 , value £23 0 0d. Appraisers D Morgan & W Marsh




Documents include a cover sheet and a separate Registration Instruction. 5 pages in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0180