Held at: | National Library of |
Reference: | BR/1760/9 |
Source: | Photocopy of original documents |
Title: | Probate collection; Will and documents for John Lewis , yeoman |
Place name: | Longtown |
Date: | 1760 |
1. Will [2 pages] dated 1February 1759,:
Beneficiaries: To William Lewis, brother, 1/-
To Mary, wife, ' all that messuage etc called upper Combcoched [Upper Cwmcoched] and purchased lately of David Jenkins...' so long as she remains unmarried but if she remarries then to Thomas Evans with him paying her £3 p.a. On Mary's death the property to Thomas Evans unless he dies before Mary when property on her death to Frances Evans and her heirs for ever on payment by her of £20 to each of her brother William and sisters Ann and Mary.
To Sarah, deceased's sister, £10 on death of wife Mary. If Sarah predeceases Mary then the £10 to be divided amongst her children
Executrix: Mary, wife.
Marked by testator
Witnesses: John Davies, John Prichard & Thomas Lewis.
Date of Probate:
2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
Documents include a cover sheet and separate registration instruction. 6 documents in all.
Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0172