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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate collection; Will and documents of James Nicholls, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated 5 January 1680/1:
Beneficiaries: To Howell Nicholls, brother, £5
To the poor of the parish of Clodock £20 to be paid at £5 p.a. for 4 years at the discretion of the executor
To John Jenkins, nephew, £10
To Ane Watkins, wife of James Watkins £40
To Mary Lewis, niece, £20
To Diana Pheelips, wife of Howell Pheelips £15
To Jaine Prichard, wife of James Prichard, £10
To Ane Edwards, wife of William Edwards £10
To Mary Nicholls, niece, £10
To David Nicholls, son of brother Howell Nicholls £25
To Hary March £5
To Ane Preedy, daughter of Walter Preedy, £5
To Thomas Lewis 5/- per year for life
To Elizabeth Rodgers, wife of Thomas Rodgers, 20/-
To Jaine, wife, Four kine and two bullocks and the house during her lifetime except for 20/- yearly for Mary, niece whilst she remains unmarried. On Jaine's death house etc to go to son, Jaimes Nicholls, nephew with the proviso that Mary has the upper part of the house and part of the garden. In a codicil Mary gets a pig and the right to collect fuel on the land of the messuage.

Executor: Howell Nicholls, brother

Marked by testator.

Witnesses; David Nicholls, James Watkins & Mary Lewis

Probate: 19 August 1682 .

2. Inventory:
[2 pages] value £133 19 11d. Appraisers Paul Thomas, Phillip David, John Jones, James Watkins & David Price.




Discharge: Dated 30 October 1683 . Showing expenses and legacies paid [ total of which exceed the value of the inventory, no legacy paid to Hary March and the poor of the parish have only had £9 for the year and a bit since James Nicholls' death]
There are 2 cover sheets, will, codicil, bond, discharge and inventory; 8 sheets in all

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0195