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Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 2 items

Place name:

Lower Maescoed, Longtown, Newton


1760 -1862


Map No 2 - Lower Maescoed

(map taken from D1583/208) 
click here for down load of a zoomable map (large file wait for download)


No.1, 2, 3, 4
Lease granted 29 Sept 1847 to John Watkins of Mynydd Ferdin
for the Lives of John & James Jones (sons of John Jones of Lower Maescoed) then aged  resptly 6 & 4, and Geo Watkins 5 (son of Lessee).
Lease sold 1861 to Edward Whistance.
Longtown Tithe Map 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65 & 66
Quantity 5a.0r.29p


No. 5
Lease granted 29 Sept 1792 to John Price of Whitchurch
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), Ann his wife (dead), and Philip Lewis (son of Philip Lewis of Lower Mescote) aged 1 year.
Purchased by Philip Jones of Kevin Farm Dulas.
Philip Lewis alive reside on Ewyas Harold Common.
Longtown Tithe Map 67-70
Quantity 1a-0-0


No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Lease granted 29 Sept 1820 to John Parry of Roothlws,[?] Clodock, Mason
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 68 (dead), James Parry his son 31, and James Parry (Grandson of Lessee) aged 1.
Longtown Tithe Map 56, 54, 57, 62, 63 & 71
Quantity 3a.2r.16p


No. 11, 12, 13
Lease granted 29 Sept 1797 to John Powell of Longtown Laborer
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 40 (dead), John Powell his son 9, and James Powell another son then aged 6 (dead)
John Powell sole life resides at Lower House, Longtown, and is a Sawyer
No 13 in Newton Tithe Map 546 & 547
Quantity 1-1-34
remaining Nos. in Longtown Tithe Map 50, 52 & 53
Quantity 1a.2.16
lease expired. Let to Thos Greenhow at £10 per ann.


No. 14, 15
Lease granted 29 Sept 1847 to John Lloyd of Lower Maescoed Shoemaker
for the Lives of James Lloyd then aged 16 and John Thos Lloyd 7 (sons of Lessee), and Charles Lloyd 7 (son of Joseph Lloyd).
Longtown Tithe Map 47, 48 & 49
Quantity 2a.3r.10p


No. 16
Lease granted 29 Sept 1851 to Evan Herbert of Abergavenny, Minister & Wm James of Merthyr, Maltster.
for the Lives of Mary Phillips then aged 45 (wife of Jas Phillips of Michaelchurch ,Yeoman) and James and Hannah aged resptly 10 & 8 (children of said James and Mary Phillips).
Now in possession of Matthew Seaborne – All the Lives have emigrated to America.
Mary and Hannah Phillips dead.
Longtown Tithe Map 72, 73 & 74
Quantity 2a.1r.37p
Jas Phillips resides at “Battle Creek City, Michigan, North America”- April 1869.


No. 17, 18, 19, 20
Copyhold. Copy of Court Roll granted 16th Day of June 1830 to James Farr of Newton Farmer
for the Lives of the Lessee then aged 50 (dead), John Gwillim 57 (dead), and James Gwillim 22 (son of said John Gwillim). - See Court Roll page 406.
James Gwillim alive and resides on the premises
Longtown Tithe Map 75, 76, 98, 99, 100 & 152
Quantity 12a.0r.8p
Reserved rent 6/8 and one Herriot.


No. 21
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to Ann Lewis of Clodock, Widow
for the Lives of Eliz Davies (dead), Lessee then aged 58 (dead), and James Lewis her son then aged 15.
Longtown Tithe Map 77, 94, 95 & 96
Quantity 2a.1r.37p


No. 22, 23, 24, 25, 261
Lease granted 24 June 1830 to Wm Arnold of Lower Maescoed, Laborer
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 40, Abigail his wife 27, and Charles Johnson (son of Thos Johnson of Ewyas Harold, Laborer) then aged 3. _ Abigail Johnson Dead [note added Wm Arnold dead].
Lease sold to Sam. Johnson of Rowlstone Park, Rowlstone, Farmer.
Longtown Tithe Map 43, 44, 78 & 79
Quantity 5a.1r.6p


No. 27, 31, 32, 38
Lease granted 29 Sept 1834 to John Williams of Longtown, Shoemaker.
for the Lives of John Williams then aged 36 (only son of Lessee), Thos Cooke 6 (son of John Cooke of Kentchurch, Farmer), and Henry Davies 4 (son of Henry Davies of Abbey Dore Laborer).
Longtown Tithe Map 92, 93, 91 & 80 and small part 41
Quantity 4.2.2
[note added - John Williams died 10th August 1865]


No. 29, 30, 28
Lease granted 25 March 1860 to John Williams of Longtown
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 7, Aron Watkins (son of David Watkins of Newton, Farmer) then aged 9, and James Price (son of James Price of Woodlands, Newton) then aged 6.
Longtown Tithe Map 40, 42 & part 41
Quantity 2a.2.12p
[note added - John Williams died 10th August 1865]


No. 33, 34, 35.
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to Elizabeth Thomas of Longtown, Widow
for the lives of Geo Ireland of Lower Maescoed, Blacksmith, then aged 31, Catherine his wife aged [blank] and Samuel their son aged 2.
Geo Ireland ran away from his wife many years ago and has not since been heard of. Catherine alive and resides on premises – Samuel emigrated to America.
Longtown Tithe Map 38, 39 & 81
Quantity 1-3-28


No. 36, 37
In possession of Thomas Penry- Part of ”Shop Vach”
Last Life Sarah Lewis (late Sarah Davies) who.- [struck out - resides on part of Premises]
aged 84, [added - died 6th February 1861]
Longtown Tithe Map 37, 82, [struck out 89] 90
Quantity 3-2-29, See end of this map (blank leaves)


No. 39, 40, 41, 42
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to John Williams of Longtown, Shoemaker
for the Lives of John, Elizabeth and Mary Williams then aged resptly 24, 14 & 12 years (children of Lessee)
John Williams [struck out – alive, resides on premises, Elizabeth now wife of Richard Griffiths of Longtown and Mary (dead)]. died10th August 1865. – Elizabeth and Mary both dead -
Longtown Tithe Map 101,102,103 & 104
Quantity 2-2-29


No. 43, 44
Now in possession of Thomas Johnson of Ewyas Harold Common.
Lease granted 29 Sept 1788 to Wm Williams
for the Lives of the Lessee (dead), Elizabeth his wife (dead) and Ann their daur then aged 4 years. – Ann who married one Roberts and resided in Parish of Ewyas Harold departed this life in February 1864.-
Longtown Tithe Map 105, 106 & 107
Quantity 2-2-11


No. 45, 46, 47
Lease granted 24 June 1830 to Elizabeth Thomas of Newton, Widow
for the Lives of Mary Johnson (wife of Thos Johnson of Ewyas Harold , Laborer) then aged 24, and John and Charles Johnson aged resptly 8& 3 (sons of said Thos & Mary Johnson)
Longtown Tithe Map 109, 111 & 88
Quantity 2a.2r.35p
possession of Thos Johnson


No. 48, 49
Lease granted 29 Sept 1814 to Nicholas Geary of Ewyas Harold, Laborer
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 29 and John & Nicholas Geary the aged resptly 5 & 2 (sons of Lessee)
lessee dead, John alive resides on premises and is a Shoemaker and Nicholas resides in London and is a Carpenter
Longtown Tithe Map 35, 36 & 83
Quantity 2-1-22


No. 50, 51, 52
[stuck out - Lease granted to Mary Williams of Oldcastle, Spinster
for the lives of John David (dead), Lessee then aged 30 and Thomas Lewis (son of Thos Lewis of Llancillo, Laborer) then aged 24]
John David and Lessee both dead, Thos Lewis [struck out – supposed to be] dead.
Now in possession of James Lewis of the “Pool” Lower Maescoed.
Longtown Tithe Map 34, 84, 85 & 86
Quantity 3a.1r.19p
Let to James Lewis at the rent of £6 per ann.


No. 53, 54, 54a
Lease granted 29 Sept 1840 to Elizabeth Jones of Longtown, Spinster
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 30 and John and Mary Watkins aged resptlt 13 and 2 ( children of John Watkins of Mynidd ferdin, Longtown)
Lessee dead, John alive and Mary now the wife of Thos Watkins of Lower Wer dee Longtown.
Lately sold to Philip Jones of Kings Street, Ewyas Harold by Thos Edward of the Greig same Parish
Longtown Tithe Map 29, 31, 32 & 87
Quantity 1a.3r.19p


No. 55, 56
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to John Thomas of Longtown, Shoemaker
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 55 (dead), and Charles and Catherine Thomas aged resptly 13 and 17 (children of Lessee).
Lessee and Charles both dead and Catherine now the wife of Geo Ireland and in possession of premises
Longtown Tithe Map 24, 28, 30 & 24a
Quantity 1a.3r 32p


No. [struck out 57] 58, 59, 60, 61
[struck out – Lease granted 25 Dec 1781 to William Davies of parish of Cleonger, Laborer
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), Ann Davies (dead) and Ann Powell (niece of Lessee then aged 4]
Now in possession of Wm Jones (son of John Jones late of Castle Maddock), who resides on the premises
Lease granted 5 April 1804 to Edmund. Lewis
for the Lives of Lessee (dead) and Ann & Elizabeth his daurs

No 57 – Lease granted same date to same Lessee and for same Lives
Longtown Tithe Map 26, 108, 110, 112, 114 & 114a
Quantity ?-?-?


No. [struck out  - 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67] 67
Now in possession of John Watkins of “Money fardin”
Lease granted 29 Sept 1806 to Wm Thomas of Clodock
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), Eleanor his wife (dead) and Samuel Thomas eldest son of Sam. Thomas of Llanveynoe, Shoemaker then aged 12 yrs.
Longtown Tithe Map 22, 25 [struck out - 27, 115, 115a, 116 & 117]
Quantity [struck out – 5a.3r] 2a.1r.1p


No. 65, 66
Lease granted 20 Sept 1849 to [struck out – Now in possession ] Philip Jones of the Kevin, Dulas
for the Lives of Lessee 45, Elizabeth his wife 41, and Philip their son then aged 17 years
Rent 2/6
Longtown Tithe Map 188, 23
Quantity 2-0-1


No. 68
Lease granted 25 March 1869 to Lewis Cheese, Shoemaker
for the Lives of Lessee 29, and Dennis & Elizabeth Cheese his children then aged resptly  5 & 3 years
Longtown Tithe Map 21
Quantity 1a.1r.39p


No. 62, 63, 64
[struck out – Lease granted 29 Sept 1788 to Rachel Jones, Widow
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), Wm Thomas (dead) & Philip Lewis son of James Lewis of Dulas then aged 15 years]
Purchased by John Watkins “Money ferdin”
Longtown Tithe Map 27, 115, 115a, 116 & 117
Quantity 3-1-29
Let to John Williams from 2nd Febry 1864 at £8 per ann.


No. 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
Lease granted 29 Sept 1801 to John Thomas of Lower Mescoed, Shoemaker
for the Lives of Lessee (dead) Elizabeth his wife (dead) and Elizabeth their daur then aged 4 years.
Elizabeth, sole life , now the wife of John Lloyd who owns and resides on these premises
No 74 in Newton Tithe Map 601, Quantity -3-24
Remaining Nos. in Longtown Tithe map 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17. Quantity 3a 1r


No [struck out - 74], 75, 76, 77, 78
Now in possession of Samuel Gwillim of the “Great House” Farm, Parish of LLangattock Lingoed Co. Mon
Lease granted 25 Dec 1785 to Wm Davies
Rented to Sam. Gwillim from 2nd February 1864 at the rent of £10 per ann.
All in Newton Tithe Map 598 & 599
Quantity 3-2-37

No. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92. Encroachment adj 47
Part of “Shop Vach” in possession of Thos Penry; last life Sarah Lewis (late Sarah Davies) who [struck out – resides on part of premise (No. 90) and is aged 84] died on 6th February 1861
All in Newton (except 85) and Nos. on Tithe Map 571, 572, 579, 583, 585, 586, 587 to 597 inclusive, 595a & 602 – Acreage 26a.0r.36p
No 85 & Encroachment adj 47 in Longtown and No. on Tithe Map 33 & 89, cont. 1a 2r. 9p


No.93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
Lease granted 29 Sept 1813 to James Lewis of Newton, Yeoman
for the Lives of Lessee (dead) Ann his wife (dead), and James  their son then aged 2 years.
James Lewis alive and resides on premises which are called “The Pool”
All in Newton Tithe Map 565 to 570 inclusive
Quantity 4a.3r.36p


No. 101, 102
Lease granted 26 Oct 1858 to Benjamin Lewis of Newton, Farmer
for the Lives of Edwin Lewis (son of Lessee) then aged 21, Matthew Seaborne 9 (son of Matthew Seaborne of Longtown) and Margaret Williams 6(daur of Mordecai Williams of Longtown, Laborer
Newton Tithe Map Portion of 553 and No. 564
Quantity about 1a 3r


No. 103, 104,105
Lease granted  29 Sept 1826 to Philip Lewis of Lower Maescoed, Tailor
for the Lives of Lewis and Philip Powell then aged resptly 12 & 5 (sons of  John Powell of Lower Mescoed, Sawyer, and Dennis Williams 5 (son of John Williams of Walterstone Carpenter)
Dennis Williams dead – Now in possession of Lewis Cheese who purchased  the Lease and lives on the Premises
Newton Tithe Map 559 to 563 inclusive
Quantity 4a 0r 37p


No. 106, 107, 108. 109, 110, 111, 112, 113
Lease granted 29 Sept 1846 to Francis Hamp of Bacton, Esquire
for the Lives of Amelia Lewis then aged 5 (daur of John Lewis of Bacton, Laborer), Ann Collins 8 and Sarah Collins 1 (daurs of Samuel Collins of Abbey Dore, Framer).
Lease purchased by and now in possession of said John Lloyd
Newton Tithe Map 548, 551, 552, 534, 557 and 558
Quantity 10a.3r 2p
No 110 in Longtown Tithe Map 45, 45a & 46
Quantity 3r.11p


No. 114 to 132 inclusive
Copyhold – Copy of Court Roll granted 28th day of Sept 1812 to Mary Hale of Hereford Widow of Curtis Hale the late of Hopton Court, Salop deceased
for the Lives of Matthew Hale then aged 19 (eldest son of said Marry Hale), Edmund Lechmere (son of Anthony Lechmere of the Rhyde near Worcester Esq.) 20, and Frederic Gritton 7 ( son of the Revd Geo Gritton D.D. Dean of Hereford) - see Court Roll page 276
Matthew Hale and Anthony Lechmere both dead. Frederic Gritton (now Revd F Gritton) sole life resides at Stamford, Lincolnshire
Premises purchased by Philip Lewis who resides there.
Called “The Far House” Farm
Reserved rent 6/8
see over leaf


Piece adjusted 65 & 66
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to Wm Parry of Hadnock Parish of Dixton Co Mon. Gardener
for the Lives of John and Ann Parry then aged resptly 23 & 27 years (children of Lessee) and James Harris then aged 6 (son of James Harris, Chapel farm same Parish)
lease sold to Wm Gwilliam of  Cwm Dulas who devised the premises to his son Philip Gwillim who now holds them.
Longtown Tithe Map 19 & 20
Quantity 2a.3r.1p


Encroachment adj No. 10, not numbered on Map
Lease granted 24 June 1830 to Wm Lewis Longtown, Blacksmith
for the Lives of Ann his wife then aged 55, James his son 27 and Mary the wife of his son 25 yrs.
Longtown No. on Tithe Map 55 - cont 11 perches


“Shop Vach” in possession of Thomas Parry, last life Sarah Lewis (now Sarah Davies) consists of in the Township of Newton Nos. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 & 92
Tithe map 571. 572. 579, 583, 585, 586, 587, 589 to 597 inclusive 595a & 602 [struck out – 603]
Quantity [struck out - 37a.1r.4p] 26a.0r.36p
In the township of Longtown Nos. 36, 37, 85 and encroachment adj 47
Tithe Map 82, 89, 90, 33 7 37
Quantity 5a.0r.38p


“Far House” Farm
nos. on Tithe Map (Newton) 503, 504, 527, 573, 524, 525, 526, 527, 541, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 580, 581, 582
Quantity 93. 0.14


Encroachment between Nos. 1 & 4
Tithe map 65a, 69
Quantity 0a.2r.19p by Philip Jones the “Kevin” [struck out.-.Tenant]


Total Quantity of Land on Lower Maescoed according to Tithe map and excluding Waste and Encroachments 240a.2r.35p




Use of capitals, spelling and punctuation have been retained. To ease readability some line breaks have been introduced. Some abbreviations have been expanded. Brackets - ( ) are as document. Brackets - [ ] indicate text struck out or added information. The Field numbers used for primary identification are those used in a survey made before 1800 (see D/1583/208) and predate those of the Tithe surveys of the 1840’s.

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