Held at: | Gwent Record Office |
Reference: | D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets) |
Source: | ELSG digital images & transcription |
Title: | Court Rolls, Manor of Wilbrook |
Place name: | Michaelchurch Escley, Urishay, Peterchurch |
Date: | 1537, 1539, 1525, 1465 |
Transcription of images 463 to 472
Aset of folio sheets stiched together
Transcription of image 463
[1537,the 29th year of Henry 8th]
Withlight pencil endorsment ‘Court Rolls’
[Thesedetails were added to the dorse of the document by a later hand. Perhaps in1818 ]
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 463 |
Transcription of image 464
Acourt of George Walwen & Joan his wife late the wife of Urry Delahay as inthe right of the said Joan there held the eighth day of November in the 29thyear of the reign of King Henry the eighth day of November in the 29thyear of the reign of King Henry the eighth. [1537]
Esson:Is Richard Hunt by his wife.
The Names of the tenants there.
Thomas Winston for Greenway | sworn |
Richard ap Robert | sworn |
John Smyth for Yattisland | sworn |
Thomas ap Phelip |
Lewis Thomas ap Reese | sworn |
Eynon ap Gwillim | sworn |
Elena ap John | sworn |
Katherineap Morgan
The heir of Walter Fermor
decd. William Rees appeared by Elizabeth his wife.
Esson:The heir of Lewis Hunt
Tothis court came John Smyth and did become tenant to the lord for Yattisland didfealty/ in full court was sworn and did fealty/
Tothe same court came Lewis Thomas ap Reese and did become tenant to the lord infull court for Willottisland And di fealty.
Therest on that side partly torn and not legible.
[Above is a copy in a later hand]
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 464 |
Transcription of images 465 & 466
Acourt of George Wallwen and Joan his wife Late the wife of Urry Delahay as inthe right of the said Joan there held the 25th day of November inthe 31th year of the reign of King Henry the eighth.[1539] Before John Smythsteward there.
Thomas Wynston for the Greenway | sworn |
Richard ap Robert | sworn |
John Smyth for Yattesland |
Thomas ap Phelipe |
Lewes Thomas ap Reese | sworn |
Eynon ap Gwillim | sworn |
Elenaap John
Katherine ap Morgan
The heir of Walter Fermor / Alice his wife
The heir of Lewes Hunt.
Homageabovesaid. Come and present upon their oaths John Smyth [iiiid] Thomas Phelip[4d], Katherine Morgan [2d}, Alice Fermor [2d],
Alsothey present that George Walwen and John Smyth ought to tynde their hedgesdividing between the field and a close there by the end of Christmas next .Each of them under the penalty of 7s . Also they present GeorgeWalwen 12d , John Smyth 8d , John Webb 4d ,for keeping goats there to the hurt or damage of their neighbours.
The rest near the bottom not verylegible altogether being partly defaced and torn.
on the Backside of the paper mark’tas above what’s legible is as follows –
Atthis court Alice Fermor became tenant for that tenement with the appurtenancesfreeland called the Hostry and was sworn in full court And did fealty.
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 465 & 466 |
Transcription of images 467, 468 & 469
Acourt of George Walwen and Joan his wife Late the wife of Urry Delahay as inthe right of the said Joan there held the 28th day of November inthe seventeenth year of the reign of King Henry the eighth.[1525]
Richard ap Robard | sworn |
Walter Fermor |
Mile Smythe |
William Prees | sworn |
Ralph Baker X
Lewis Hunt
Thomas Phelip
Eygnon ap Gwillim | sworn |
| sworn |
Tothis court came Eygnon ap Gwillim and took of the lord one messuage with aclose adjoining – customary land lying in Willemaston called [ ] To hold to the said Euygnon ap Gwillim andhis, according toi the custome of the mannor.
finexxd By the yearly rent therefore of 1s4d And other services, That is suit of court there and an heriotwhen it happens for which grant so had he gives to the lord for a fine 1s8d And did fealty.
Turn over.
Tothe same court came William Reese ap Lane: and took of the lord one messuagewith a close and certain lands to the same messuage belonging with theappurtenances customary land lying in Mowebacke to hold to the said William apReese and his, according to the custom of the mannor, by the yearly renttherefore of 1s 8d And other services therefore due andaccustomed and a heriot when it happens.
Andtherefore hath done fealty.
Thenext partly torne.
Turn over
Thehomage abovesaid come and present upon their oaths Mile Smyth, Thomas Phelip 4d, Walter Fermor the heir of Roger Winston for Greenway 4d Lewis Huntfor default of suit of court and are therefore amerced. They present Hugh Hagarin 6d Lewis ap Ie., David ap Rosser for oppressing the common ofpasture there, therefore they are in the lord’s mercy. Also they presentRichard ap Morgan in 4d , Thomas ap Ivor in 4d , JohnTurnor in 4d , Katherine ap Phelip in 2d for carryingaway firewood out of the lord’s wood to his great damage therefore they are inhis mercy .Also they present Richard ap Morgan in 6d , Thomas apIvor in 4d , Katherine ap Phelip in 4d for keeping goatsthere to the hurt and damage of their neighbours who are therefore in thelord’s mercy and they are ordered to put away their said goats by Candlemasnext under the penalty of 7s .
| Afferors | Richard ap Robert |
| William ap Reese |
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 467, 468 & 469, |
Acourt of Elizabeth Delahay there held the day and year above said which isreferred to the paper mark’d (4) as above.
Tothis court John Body came here in full court and took of the said Lady onemessuage and garden with the appurtenances in Peterchurch which lately JohnBraimdon there held to whom the said Lady granted the aforesaid messuage andgarden with the appurtenances To Hold to the said John Body and his, accordingto the custome of the manor for the term of .101. years yielding thereforeyearly four shillings at the usual times to be paid by equal portions suit ofcourt and all other services therefore formerly due and accustomed And gives tothe said Lady for a fine for his entrance – therein to be had One pottle ofwine And made his fealty to the said Lady.
John ap Hoell gent.
| sworn |
Atthis court David ap Lewis acknowledged that he holds one messuage with theappurtenances in Mowbeykce which lately David [?Llad boumdy] held at the yearlyrent of9d suit of court and a heriot when it happens and made to thelord his fealty.
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 470 & 471, |
Acourt of Elizabeth Delahay there held upon Tuesday next after the feast of StNicholas in the fifth year of the reign of king Edward the fourth after theconquest. [1465]
Walter ap Hoell
David Webb
Hugh Yate
John ap Hoell
David Wylot
Theaforesaid jurors present that –
ThomasWylot made default at this court.
Alsothey present that Marrgaret ap Hoell Seys did the same .
Alsothey present that goats are kept there by the said lady contrary to thestatute.
AlsoMathew Taylor for keeping goats.
ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 472 |
Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127
For zoomable images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_9.pdf
Ref: gc_mic_5463_72