Held at:

Private Collection




Original document


Land Tax [extract: assessments for Michaelchurch Mill]

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




It appears from the records that the Land Tax for ‘The Mill lands’ in Michaelchurch remained fixed at 19 shillings and four pence throughout the period from 1776 to 1837. It is shown as 19s 6d in 1838, though this may have been a clerical error rather than a tax increase. There are occasional gaps of one or two years in the records, but they provide an essentially complete picture of who occupied the mill and therefore paid the tax and presumably was the miller. In most cases the name of the ‘proprietor’ or owner of the land is also shown. Where necessary, the relevant entries have been identified by the amount of tax paid (19s 4d) if not specifically shown as for ‘the mill’ in the written record. Where the name of the person paying the tax has changed from one year to the next, continuity has been established from verifying the name of the proprietor to ensure it is still the Mill land that is being referred to. The occupiers (millers) were as follows:

1776               Thomas Stanford

1781               John Mathews

1788               Thomas Robinson

1789               Thomas Robinson

1790               Thomas Robinson

1791               Thomas Robinson

1795               Benjamin Whistance

1798               Benjamin Whistance

1804               Benjamin Whistance

1806               Benjamin Whistance

1809               Howell Powell

1810               Howell Powell

1812               James Johnson

1813               James Johnson

1814               James Johnson

1815               James Johnson

1816               James Johnson

1817               William Prosser

1818               James Lewis

1819               James Lewis

1820               Sylvanus Watkins

1821               Sylvanus Watkins

1822               Sylvanus Watkins

1823               Samuel Price

1824               Sylvanus Watkins

1825               Sylvanus Watkins

1826               Sylvanus Watkins

1827               John Walters

1828               John Wistance

1829               Richard Wistance

1830               Joseph Beavan

1831               Samuel Morgan

1832               Barbara Trail (Mortgagee at Mch. Court)

1834               Parsons

1836               Thomas Gwillim

1838               Thomas Gwilliam (sic)


Original Land Tax records are held at Herefordshire Record Office

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Ref: rs_mic_0068