Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Philipp Thomas Price, yeoman

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




Documents :
1. Will [3 pages] dated
11 February 1675 .
Beneficiaries: To daughter, Sible, the messuage, tenement and lands etc in Michaelchurch Eskley 'which by my appointment were lately conveyed and assured unto her and her heirs…..by Margaret Jennings Thomas Jennings Blanch Price widow and John Price her sonn….and alsoe all and every sume or sumes of money due and payable or to become due and payable in redempcon ….together with all deeds and writings.' Also to Sible, closes and parcels of arable and pasture meadow in Michaelchurch Eskley lately purchased from son in law, John Gilbert and which were formerly part of the lands of Edward Wright, gent. Inconsideration of which Sible is to pay legacies of three score pounds [£60] to each of his grand children, Anne Price, her sister Catherine Price and Abraham Price when he reaches 21.
To John Price, grandson, specified furniture in the hall, solar and parlour of his dwelling house.
To Anne Price, granddaughter, specified furniture in the buttery, solar and parlour including chest in the parlour under her own lock and key with all its contents of linen, woollen and other goods.
To Catherine, granddaughter, one chest in the parlour under her own lock and key with all the contents of linen, woollen and other goods as well as other specified furniture including 'the bed wheron she lies', a coffer and contents under her own lock and key and specified livestock.
To Grandson, Abaham price, specified livestock and furniture.
To, 'children of my son William'. ,grandchildren, Sible Price, Elizabeth Price and William Price. To Grandson, William, 'some of the household goods [specified] which I distrained from my son William Price for his arrears to me of annuities arising out of his lands at Trewern…. The remainder of the said goods I give to the said Sible and Elizabeth'
To his daughter Judith, one cow and to her husband John Gilbert, £10.
To Thomas Prichard, servant, one two year old heifer.

Executrix: daughter, Sible

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Price, William Watkins, George Price, Gregory Edward and Walter Philips.

Date of probate:
31 January 1680 .

2. Inventory: dated
24 January 1680 , value £91 2 4d. Appraisers Thomas Price, gent, Silvanus Lewis, Walter Philips and Gregory Edward.




The documents include a bond dated 31 January 1680 with bounden, Sible Price of Michaelchurch Eskley, spinster and Thomas Price of Craswall appointing Sible Price administrator of the estate. There is also an administration account totalling £88 16 0d dated 13 April 1681
6 documents including 2 end sheets..

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Ref: ldhsarchive_sh_mic_0084