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Probate Collection; Will for William Exton, gent.

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




1. Will dated 16 June 1673
To 'dear and loving wife', Elizabeth, 'all my stock of horses mares oxen kyne young cattle sheep and swine together with any other cattle of any sort upon any part of my estate wherein I now live' for her lifetime. The stock to be apprized and valued by 2, 3 or 4 'honest and indifferent neighbours' with a month of the testator's decease. On his wife's death she is to leave it to be disposed of equally between his 4 younger children, Mary, William, Samuel and Martha.
His wife Elizabeth to have the use of all household stuff and implements of husbandry for her lifetime and on her death all the implements of husbandry to pass to son Joseph Exton.
Also to son, Joseph, one bed with appurtenances, 2 standing bedsteads, all boards and benches, 6 joint stools, 2 great cheese vats, 'my greatest pot of brasse my greatest brasse kettle, my great brand iron', one cupboard in the parlour, all brass and iron [?] iron, one iron swayne, one great press and safe in the buttery, 2 chargers and all table boards. These not to be removed from the house during his wife's lifetime.
The rest of the household stuff not already specified to be divided between the 4 younger children on the death of
Elizabeth .
To each of the 4 younger children, £50 respectively on their attaining the age of 21 plus any interest accruing. Should any of them die before reaching 21 their legacy to be divided amongst the survivors.
His wife appointed guardian of the 4 younger children until they reach 21 but if she dies before then the testator appoints his brother in law Thomas Rogers and his wife Isobel to be mentors and guardians to the children or if they die then Son Joseph is appointed mentor and guardian.

Executrix: wife, Elizabeth.

Marked by testator

Witnesses: The mark of Crate Lord, The signatures of Arnie Lewis, Charles Thomas and Ro: Jenkins.

Date of Probate:
30 September 1675




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mic_0200