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Herefordshire Record Office


P82/11/8837 [LC Books]


Original document


Release of Michaelchurch Mill - transcription

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




TO ALL [?] people unto whome these presents shall come James Harry Howell of the [p(ar)ish] of Michaelchurch Escley in the County of Hereford England husbandman [?sendeth [?greeteinge] KNOWE [?yea] that I the said James Harry Howell [?as well] for and in [?consideration] of the sum of Twenty two pounds of good and lawfull money of England [?to me] in hand payed before the sealinge and [?delivery] of these [?p(re)sents] by William Thomas of the [p(ar)ish] of Michaelchurch Escley aforesaid in the said County yeomn as also for [?diverse] other good [?causes] and considerations [?me] the said James Harry Howell thereunto [?proveinge] HAVE [?demised] [?released] and for ever [?quit] [?claymed] and confirmed and by these [?p(re)sents] DOE for and from me my heires and [?any] of us fully and absolutely [?demise] [?release] and forever [?quit] [?clayme] and confirm unto the said William Thomas in his full and [?peaceable] possession and [?...beinge] and to his heires and [?assignes] for ever All my estate [?right] title interest [?use] possession [?reversion] [?remaynder] [?clayme] and [?demannd] whatsoever [?wich] I have had nowe [?have] [?or wich] I or my heires att any tyme hereafter in any wise may or [?shall] or may have [?of in] or to all that messuage or tenemt with [?the app(ur)tenances] wherein the said William Thomas [?doeth] [nowe] dwell and inhabit one garden one water corn or grist mill and one [?p(ar)cell] of meadowe ground adjoyneing the said mill [?conteyninge] by estimation two [?dayes] [?worth] and a half of [?hay] or thereabouts be it more or lesse together with all yards [?foulds] banksides waters watercourses [?easemts] banks [?stancks] sluices weares ponds [?materialls] and all other hereditaments whatsoever with [?theire] and [?any] of theire [?app(ur)tenances] unto the said messuage or tenemt and water grist mill or either [?of] them belonging or in any wise [?app(er)teyneinge] [?all] [?which] said messuage or tenemt garden water grist mill and [?p(ar)cell] [?of] meadowe grounds are situate [?lyeing] and being in the [p(ar)ish] of Michaelchurch Escley aforesaid in the said County [?between] the river of Escley the lands late of Abraham Powell [?deceased] and [?a certayne] [?close] or [?p(ar)cell] of land of the said Wm Thomas called Cae [?Mawre] on all or most [?p(ar)tes] and [?sides] [?thereof] SOE that neither of the said James Harry Howell nor my heires nor any other [?p(er)son] or [?p(er)sons] for us or any of us or in our names or in the names of any of us [?any] [?estate] [?right] title interest clayme or demannd of in or to the said messuage or tenemt garden water grist mill and [?p(ar)cell] of meadowe ground and all other the [?premisses] [?before] [?recited] with [?the] [?app(ur)tenances] on of in or to any [?part] or [?p(ar)cell] thereof from henceforth by any [?meanes] [?shall] challendge demand or require BUT from all and [?any] [?] of [?lawe] right [?title] [?interest] clayme and demand of in or to the before [?recited] [?premisses] or of in or to any [?part] or [?p(ar)cell] [?thereof] with the [?app(ur)tenances] from henceforth to be had claymed [?challendged] demanded or required [?we] and [?any of] us are [?wholy] [?p(re)cluded] debarred and put from for [?ever] by these [?p(re)sents] AND I the said James Harry Howell and my heires all and [?singular] the [?before] [?recited] [?premisses] and [?any] [?part]  and [?p(ar)cell] thereof [?with] [?the] [?app(ur)tenances] unto the said Wm Thomas and to his heires and [?ass(ign)s] for ever and to his and only [?use] and [?] against me and my heires and all other [p(ers)on] or [p(er)sons] [?whatsoever] clayminge [?] [?me] or them shall and will warrt and for ever defend by these [?p(re)sents] IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale this [?twelfth] day of [----] in the year of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred fiftye and two



The original document is difficult to read. Words that are unclear and/or inferred from context are shown in square brackets with a question mark. Documents P82/11/8836 and P82/11/8843 are also related to this transaction.

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Ref: rs_mic_0112