Held at:

Private Collection




Original Documents


Sale Particulars of Michaelchurch Estate, with maps and building photographs

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




The sale particulars prepared by Knight Frank & Rutley for the Michaelchurch estate as sold in 1990 include photographs of the principal farm buildings, as well as maps showing the extent and location of the various lots, including Escley House, Escley Cottage, Bank farm, Cefn Ceist farm, Gigfran farm, Victoria Cottage, Grove farm, the Lodge, Bridge farm, New Barns farm, Court farm buildings, Church Cottage, Victoria Common, Wells Green Common, Tiptoe Common, Lower House Common, Merryhurst Green, Vagar Hill, Old Road, Cefn Hill, Lower Common, the Black Darren, and the Catsback. The estate comprised 1046 acres of farm and woodland, with a further 2289 acres of commons and moorland. Detailed descriptions of the estate and individual lots are also given



Click below to download photographs of the detailed maps of each lot, the farm buildings and the detailed descriptions of the lots in PDF format:


Plan 1 [Lots 1-24]

Plans 2, 3 & 4 [Commons and moorland]

Coloured plan

Lot Location Plan

Farm Buildings

Sale particulars


[Note that PDF downloads are large files]




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