Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Richard Thomas Powell, yeoman

Place name:

Michaelchurch Eskley




1. Will??
28 January 1638 .
To wife, Margaret, 'all such howshowld stuffe wch was hirs before hir marriadge wth me???, together with a truckle bed and a little brass skillet. Also she is to have half the messuage wherein the testator dwells and half of all barns, buildings and lands etc lying in the parishes of Michaelchurch Escley and Peterchurch for her lifetime and thereafter they are to pass to son and heir, Roger.
To daughter, Elinor and her legitimate heirs, the cottage called Bulch Glace, the two gardens belonging to it as well as a 3acre close adjoining formalty in the occupation of Gyles Melin [?] and 2 other pasture closes of about 4 acres also adjoining the said house and 'sometime in the tenure of Thomas Powell deceased??? lying in the parish of Dorston and which were inherited by the testator.
To son, Roger, best brass pan, two coffers and the table board, frame, benches and forms in the hall but wife Margaret is to have the use of the table during her life as long as she does not take away out of the hall.
To Elinor, daughter, 2 feather beds, one bolster, coverlids, one pair of sheets, best brass pot, a brass kettle and 2 coffers. ??
To Harry, 'my wife???s son???, one coffer and 'the table board which is in my chamber???.

The will continues with details of the redemption of the land above which seems to?? have been subject to a mortgage of £30 held by Rowland Jennings of
Newton and due repayment in 1645. Complete understanding is hindered by holes in the document, but it seems that Margaret and Harry are take out a bond with son Roger under a surety of £60,?? to pay the annual interest of £2?? 8s to Rowland Jennings. Margaret is also to repay £10?? to Thomas Goode which the testator owes; this payment to made in the year after his death. During the period up to the redemption it seems that Margaret is to have complete control of the estate paying Roger £3 10s annually from the second year after his death until 1645 when she is to redeem the mortgage and at that point Roger is to come into his inheritance of half the estate.

Margaret is to have all the cattle for the payment of the sums of money as instructed in the will, an axe, a hedge bill, a spittal [spade], a shovel and a mattock.
To Roger, all the rest of his working tools i.e. axes, hatchets, saws, nager [auger] and adzes.

Executrix: wife Margaret.

Signed by the testator

Witnesses: Paul Delahay, John Smyth, Morgan Powell, John Robert, John Smith[?].

Date of probate: 2nd ------[torn hole] 1638.

2. Inventory: dated
14 March 1638 ; value £40?? 18s?? 0d. Appraisers: John Powell, Jenkin Myles, Griffith Powell, Thomas David Maddockes, David Myles..




This will has obviously drawn up by a lawyer, probably Paul Delahay who is known to have been a local attorney.
The documents include a bond dated
26 March 1638 with bounden Margaret Powell?? of Michaelchurch Escley, widow and Henry Price of the same place in a surety of £90. This was a difficult bond to decipher because of poor handwriting and the use of abbreviations.

His inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Inventory



?? £

?? s

?? d

Imprimis his wearing apparel

?????????? xxs

?????? 1



Item?????? two table napkins

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? 3 feather beds and two bolsters

?????? xxvs

?????? 1

?????? 5


Item?????? 3bedsteads

???????? iijs


?? ???? 3


Item?????? 2 coverlets

???????? iiijs


?????? 4


Item?????? Rugs

???????? xs


?? 10


Item?????? one blanket

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? 4 pair of sheets

?????? vjs


?????? 6


Item?????? 6 kine


?? 18



Item?????? one two year old bull

???????? xls

?????? 2



Item?????? one yearling bull

???????? xxs

?????? 1



Item?????? five yearling heifers

???????? xls

?????? 2



Item?????? one horse

2li ?? 13s 4d

?????? 2

?? 13

?????? 4

Item?????? one two year old colt

1li ?? 6s ?? 8d

?????? 1

?????? 6

?????? 8

Item?????? one pig

???????? vs


?????? 5


Item?????? one brass pan

?????? xxs

?????? 1



Item?????? two brass pots

?????? xiijs 4d


?? 13

?????? 4

Item?????? one brass kettle

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? two brass posnets

?????? vjs ?? 8d


?????? 6

?????? 8

Item?????? 3 pewter dishes

?????? iijs


?????? 3


Item?????? 2 pewter candlesticks

???????? ijs


?????? 2


Item?????? one pewter salt cellar

???????????????????? vjd



?????? 6

Item?????? 4 pewter spoons

?????????????????????? 2d



?????? 2

Item?????? 2 wooden stands

???????? ijs


?????? 2


Item?????? one wooden barrel

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? 3 wooden trinds

?????? iijs ?? iiijd


?????? 3

?????? 4

Item?????? 3 wooden pails

?????????? 1s


?????? 1


Item?????? one wooden churn

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? one butter tub

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? one wooden 'canne???[?]

?????????????????????? 2d



?????? 2

Item?????? 4 wooden bowls

?????????? js ?? 4d


?????? 1

?????? 4

Item?????? 6 wooden dishes

?????????????????????? 2d



?????? 2

Item?????? 6 trenchers

?????????????????????? 1d



?????? 1

Item?????? one flitch of bacon

???????? vjs?? ?? 8d


?????? 6

?????? 8

Item?????? five coffers

???????? vjs ?? 8d


?????? 6

?????? 8

Item?????? 3 table boards

???????? vjs


?????? 6


Item?????? 3 chairs

?????????? 2s


?????? 2


Item?????? 4 benches

?????????? js ???? 4d


?????? 1

?????? 4

Item?????? 3 sacks

???????? iijs


?????? 3


Item?????? thirty cheeses


?? 10



Item?????? one iron fryingpan

?????????????????????? 6d



?????? 6

Item?????? 2 wheels

?????????? js


?????? 1


Item?????? one pair of tongs

?????????????????????? 6d



?????? 6

Item?????? one gridiron

?????????????????????? 6d



?????? 6

Item ?????? all the working tools

?????????? xs


?? 10


Item?????? one cart

?????????? xvs


?? 15


Item?????? hay and straw

???????? xiijs 4d


?? 13

?????? 4

Item?????? one pack saddle and one riding saddle

?????????? ijs


?????? 2


Item?????? 2 stones [28lbs] of hemp

???????? iii

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mic_0349