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Probate Collection; Will for Griffith Harry Poell.

Place name:

Michaelchurch Eskley




1. Will dated 18 August 1585 .
To 'the reparacon of the churche of Mychaelchurch', 2s [? it could be s or d]  
To Margaret, base daughter, daughter of Gwenllian viz William, £20. 'My cousin Thomas ap Richard shall have custody of the said £20' he is to use the interest for Margaret's maintenance. However if Margaret dies before she come of age or is married then the one quarter of the £20 to go to Thomas ap Richard, the executor of the will, another quarter to Sibill viz Dd[David] the daughter of Dd Morganand the final £10 to Francis and Dd, brothers of the testator.
To Aliece[alice], wife, 'for and in recompense of her dowry and jointure, all my lease and term of years unexpired in the lands in Greysmont [Grosmont] held by grant from Thomas Prosser, my father in law' together with all debts owed to the testator and not bequeathed elsewhere.
To wife, Aliece, 4 kine., her chamber and apparel.
To James Harry Powell, brother, all copyhold land in consideration of him paying Aliece, 3 score pounds [£60] by 3 payments at the next and 2 subsequent Feasts of Phillip and Jacob. But if Aliece is pregnant then all her above legacies are cancelled and the moiety [half] of all his lands tenements etc remain with Aliece for her lifetime and afterwards go to the child.
To Margaret, base daughter, a flock bed with appurtenances.
To Jame Harry Poell, brother, all the corn not cut down or reaped in consideration for James to leave the copyhold lands called Ca Lloyd y baddr ,'for lack of issue between me and my wife', to David, brother.
To Luis William Water [Walter?] 4 marks [53/4d] save 50/- [i.e 3/4d] 'I discharge the said Luis for 12 lambs which were due to Blanch Weston.
To Aliece, wife, 4 oxen being used by Thomas Prosser, father in law and Howell Wilcock 'in full satisfaction and payment of £10'. Also to Aliece, the 23 sheep in the custody of Thomas Prosser and Howell Wilcock.
To Anne Weston, mother, a 3 year old bull.
To David Morgan, brother in Law, the profit from William Bach's Lands , the close adjacent to his house for the next 3 years.
To Richard ap Howell, uncle, a cow and a 2 year old bull.
To Katherine viz Richard, a cow.
To James Harry Powell, brother, 2 kine and 3 caples [couples? This may have been a way of counting sheep 3 couples i.e 6]
To Griffyth Harry Powell Dd [David], one cow  
To James and Sibill, children of Dd Morgan, 2 heifers between them.
To Thomas Weston, uncle, the 2 bullocks of the testator that he is already using.
To Jeane, daughter of Dd ap Jo [John] a year old heifer.
To Philipp Thomas
ap Rd [Richard]'s 2 children, 2 Ewes.
To Dd Harry Powell, brother, 20 sheep and a colt.
To Thomas Harry Prees's 2 daughters, 2 ewes and to Thomas Harry Prees a year old heifer.
To Charles Prosser, brother in law, 'my best nag or gelding'
To Thomas ap Richard, my best Colt , a basin, and 10/- being in the hands of Thomas Weston, uncle.
To sister, Katherine, 20 lambs and 4 wethers.
To Margaret Harry Prees, 2 sheep.
To Cycilie, aunt, a covering for a bed.
To Jolian, late wife of Hoell William ap Iovan an acre of oats and half an acre of wheat.
To Anne daughter of Harry Gilbert, 2 sheep.
To Hoell ap Robert's son, a ewe and a lamb.

Executor: Thomas ap Richard, cousin.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: John Parry Thomas Prosser, Owen Powell James Harry Poell, Thomas ap John Lloyd,
Griffith Harry Powell Dd, Richard Powell, David ap Morgan, Thomas Harry Prees, Charles Prosser.

Date of Probate: 30 May 1586.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
It is interesting to note the different ways that names were formed some with ap or viz the welsh form then there were some with just two names eg Charles Prosser some with 3 eg the testator and his brothers and Griffith Harry Powell Dd [David] with 4. This will had more abbreviated names than usual, Dd [David] Jo [John] and Rd[Richard].  

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mic_0214