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Herefordshire Record Office






Feoffment, lands in Clodock in tenure of Thomas Howell Parry

Place name:

Newton in Clodock




Feofffment 2 June 1618.

1 Thomas Howell Parry of Newton in Clodock, Yeoman.
2 Morgan Thomas Powell, one of his sons

For divers consideration and the love he bears for his son, All those general and respective parcels of land, arable and meadow.
One close called Gwayne Goye each containing 4 acres
One meadow called Gwiwd Gwayne goye containing 2 days math of hay adjoining the close.
One other close or parcel of ground called Gwayne goye voya adjoining the meadow, containing 6 acres.

            In Clodock, between the lands of Samuell Watkins gent, called Gwaynesold y deved and Gwayn Vawye, the lands of Phillip Thomas called Gwerne y Nayte, the lane leading from Gwayne Harbourt to Liddiard y Garne and the lane or common way leading from Oldcourt to Mescoed [Maescoed] on all parts as well in length as is breadth now or late in tenure of Thomas Howell Parry.

Witnesses; Thomas Powell, Robert Lord, David Thomas Powell, John Powell, Aarm Prise [Price].




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Ref: gc_clo_0002