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Land on Maescoed Common, convayence

Place name:





Land in Newton, enclosed from Middle Maescoed Common and added to Yatt Farm

Conveyence 30th March 1821

James Cranston of Kings Acre, Hereford, gent. and Samuel Joseph Harris, Hereford, gent. (commissioners under Newton Inclosure Act)
Richard Williams, The Yatt, Newton, yeoman.
John James of Hereforg, gent

By right of Act of Inclosure, sale of land to defray expenses

Consideration: £167-8-6

All that peice and parcel of land part of Middle Maescoed Common, containing 5a-1r-37p bounded
on North by Road no.1
on South by old inclosures of Richard Williams
on East by Road no.1
on west by land sold to Henry Morgan [Upper Green]

Also that peice and parcel of land part of the Common, containing 3a-1r-9p bounded
on North by Road no.1
on South by old inclosures of Richard Williams
on East by Road no.1
on West by Road no.1

Also that peice and parcel of land part of the Common, containing 2a-1r-32p bounded
on North by Road no.1
on South by old inclosures of Thomas Pritchard.
on East by Road no.IV
on West by old inclosures of Richard Williams

Also that peice and parcel of land part of the Common, containing 1a-3r-[ ]p bounded
on North by Road no.19
on South by the next peice to be described.
on East by old inclosure of Thomas Pritchard.
on West by Road no.19

Also that peice and parcel of land part of the Common, containing 3a-0r-17p bounded
on North by land described above.
on South by an allotment sold to John Powell.
on East by Road no.IV
on West by old inclosures of Richard Williams

Also that peice and parcel of land part of the Common, containing 0a-3r-36p bounded
on North by old inclosures of Richard Williams
on South by old inclosures of John James.
on East by old inclosures of John Powell.
on West by old inclosures of John James.

All in the Township of Newton in Clodock containing 17a-0r-11p and now in the tenure of [     ]



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Ref: gc_nwt_0025