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Newton School Log Book, 1908, July to December

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Newton School Log Book for period July 1908 to December 1908


Headmaster, Charles Lloyd
Infants & Sewing Mistress, Miss Caroline Ann Lloyd
Assistant, Miss Celia Cole
Mr Wm. Shaw (Rhyd-d-bach), regular visitor
Chairman of Managers.H.H. Wood of Whitehouse (‘Squire’ of St.Margarets)
School Attendance Officer, Mr George Price, Longtown


27th  July 1908, New Log Book started, see Title page


All through the previous winter there had been almost daily complaints about a smoking chimney when the wind was from the SW and the fire being unusable. On 30th October 1909, among builders general repairs to the school, the chimney was raised about 4 feet.


30 th November 1909, First mention of Head Master C. Lloyd’s ill health - pleurisy?


Notes inside back cover of Log Book, new log book starts below

Images of pages 3 & 4 missing

Images of pages 11 & 12 missing



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