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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Elizabeth Watkins

Place name:





1. W
[2 pages] dated
17 May 1712
Beneficiaries: To her daughter, Rachell Watkins, £200 and its interest being secured on 'certain lands of Mr Morgan Pugh in ye parishes of [?]Lewas and Clerow [?Clyro] in ye
County of Radnor '. Also a feather bed and appurtenances except the bedstead, one chest with drawers, one carpet, 6 chairs, one round table, one stand 2 tablecloths (one diaper and one damask) 3 silk cushions one silver tankard, a silver spoon, one pair of andirons, one fire shovel, one long tongs 'being in ye parlour of my dwelling house', one cupboard in the Hall, the best chest in the chamber overhead, 8 pairs of sheets, 12 napkins, 3 pillows, 6 pillowbears, 6 of the largest pewter dishes one dozen of plates, the largest brass kettle, a great iron pot, 'half a dozen ye best earthen blew ware & half a dozen red earthen ware', an iron pastry pan, one iron dripping pan, 2 hogsheads, 2 barrels , 6 milk trinds, one churn, timber ready to make a vat, 2 kilderkins, 10 petty [?patty] pans, a pair of gobars, a spit, 2 pewter candlesticks, one large pewter pot, one pewter chamber pot, one white earthen chamber pot, a sheet with feathers, one large looking glass, one warming pan, all drinking vessels, cups, jugs and glasses, 2 rings (one stoned ring and one enamelled) 3 new bags 'one being leathern maybe', a frying pan & gridiron, a basting ladle, and a skimmer, a bedstead 'over ye parlour' and cheese vats. Also all her ' best wearing cloathes, linen, woollen, silk and stuff' and 10 dozen bottles.
To her son, Nathaniell, £50 secured upon the
land of John Griffiths of Newton . Nathaniell is to have a cottage held by lease from John Jeffreys Esq. Also a bed with appurtenances, a chest, 4 pairs of sheets, 2 pillows and 2 pillowbears 3 pewter dishes, one brass pot, a skillet, 2 half hogsheads, and 2 kilderkins.
To her son, Samuell, all the rest of her goods, cattle and chattels (except 4 cows, 2 each of which she leaves to Rachell and Nathaniell) her implements of husbandry and all the grain in the house and growing as a result Samuell is to pay Nathaniell £50 and all her debts, funeral expenses and legal expenses in proving the will. Furthermore Samuell is to maintain his sister and brother for a year or pay them each £5 [this is presumably whilst the administration of the will is being carried out]

Executor: son, Samuell Watkins.

Signed by the testator

Witnesses: Charles Thompson, Mary Prosser and Morgan Thomas

Date of Probate:
3 June 1712

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
20 May 1712 , value £497 15 0d. Appraisers Job Powell and Samuell Watkins




This is an amazing will in the detail of her possessions. From the Inventory one can see she was a wealthy woman and on the original copy her debts are shown as £100 this and the quantity of malt bottles and drinking vessels would indicate she probably kept an inn which together with the amount of cattle also shows she was a business woman. She clearly liked to dress well and was sophisticated enough to appreciate books and the finer things of life. It is also interesting to see she owned a seat in the new chapel. Documents include a coversheet; 5 sheets in all


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0531