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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Henry Morgan

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages] dated 20 May 1798
Beneficiaries: Thomas Morgan, his son, all that ancient messuage etc in Michaelchurch Escley in the tenure and occupation of James Prichard.
To his son, Henry Morgan, all that messuage lands etc lying in the parishes of Clodock and Michaelchurch Escley in his own occupation. Subject to and charged with the several legacies:
To his daughter Elizabeth Lillwall, £100.
To each of his other daughters, Joan, Anne and Hannah, £200.as they each attain the age of 25 or on marriage whichever is the sooner.
To son Thomas, £200 when he attains 21.
To his wife Elizabeth all his household effects.
To son Henry all the remainder of his stock of cattle and implements of husbandry subject only to the payment of the legacies.

Executors: Elizabeth Morgan, wife and Henry Morgan, son

Signed by testator

Witnesses: W. Marsh, David Morgan and Margaret Morgan.

Date of Probate:
11 September 1798 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated 16 July 1798 , value £589 2 0d. Appraisers W. Marsh and D. Morgan




Inventory gives a room by room list of contents as well as live stock, Documents include coversheet; 5 sheets in all.


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