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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Martha Thomas, spinster

Place name:





1. W
[2 pages] dated
26 February 1815
First she states her wish to be buried in Michaelchuch yard as close as possible to her mother.
Beneficiaries: To her niece, Mary Osborne, daughter of brother, James Thomas, £20.
To nephew, Thomas Thomas, son of James Thomas, £15
To Ann, niece, daughter of brother James, £20 to be paid with any interest on her reaching 21 or getting married which ever if the sooner.
To sister in law, Ann Thomas, widow, £10.
To cousins, Elizabeth Mead and Sarah bethel and John Bainton, £5 each.
If nephew James, son of brother James, returns home it is left to brother Thomas Thomas to give him 'what he thinks proper'. Brother Thomas is also given discretion to dispose of her wearing apparel and her goods.
If after the payment of debts and funeral expenses there is not enough surplus once the legacies are paid to pay Thomas £20 then all legatees are to have their legacies reduced pro rata to provide for Thomas.
Residual Legatee, brother Thomas Thomas.

Executor: her brother, Thomas Thomas.

Signed by the testator

Witnesses: John Evans and William Williams

Date of Probate:
14 June 1815 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
27 May 1815 , value £129 6 0d. Appraisers James Pitt and John Fretwell




Unusual to have 2 copies of an inventory with a C19 will. The inventory shows an investment of £120 @ 5% with one year's interest. Includes a cover sheet; 5 sheets in all.


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0528