Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Peter Grenow, yeoman

Place name:





[2 pages] dated 29 January 1756
Beneficiaries: To his wife, Ann, his house and lands 'on Middle Mescode' [Mescoed?] held by lease under John Jeffreys Esq. 'which was assigned to me by my uncle Richard Grenow for her life if the lives of the said lease shall so long continue' On the death of Ann the lease is to pass to his brother Thomas Grenow out of which he is to pay £5 to sister Elizabeth Jones.
Also to his wife, the tenement and lands in Middle Mescoed which were purchased form William Lewis and which the testator holds under lease from John Jeffreys Esq. for her lifetime and thence to sister Anne Howels for the remainder of the lease.
To my god daughter Elizabeth Grenow, a chest and to 'my sister Anne's daughter', a table, however the chest and table are to be left for the use of the wife for her lifetime.
Wife Anne to be residual legatee.

Executrix: wife, Anne Grenow.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: George Prichard, James Price and Henry Marsh.

Date of Probate:
1 May 1756

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
12 February 1756 , value £57 16 0d. Appraisers John Prosser and William Williams.




Inventory lists items by rooms but only 2 rooms mentioned, the hall and the dairy. 4 sheets in all.


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0511