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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Philip Beavan, yeoman

Place name:





[2sheets] dated 10 August1730
Beneficiaries: To daughter, Anne, wife of Philip Harries, £15, two barrels, one coffer, a desk, a warming pan, a chaffing dish.
To daughter, Margery, wife of David Roberts, £15. 2 two barrels, two coffers, a spit and dripping pan, a pewter dish and one plate, the 'lesser' brass kettle, an iron pot and 'the cupboard in the Lower house'
All linen and implements of husbandry to be divided equally between the two daughters
To grandson, John Harries, and granddaughter Elizabeth Harries, £5 each. To the rest of the Harries granddaughters, Anne, Mary, Sarah and Margery, 50/- each as they each attain the age of 21.
To grandson, David Roberts and granddaughter Mary Roberts, £5 each. As soon as they each attain the age of 21.
To son Philip Beavan, ' in case he returns and comes to his native country and home', 5/- and '…one cupboard, one chair, one cheese ring which are in the Upper house and my great brass kettle, in case he returns home'. [the next sentence is destroyed] but from the context must read something like 'if he returns not.. the items are to go to daughter Anne.
To granddaughter,
Elizabeth Harries the bed in the 'soller'[?] ….'with the bedstead with its furniture and appurtenances'.
To granddaughter, Mary Roberts, the bed etc in the parlour but not the bedstead which is to remain as standard in the house.
To the poor of Michaelchurch Escley, 20/- 'namely such poor as receive no collection or any weekly allowance from the said parish'. Similarly for the poor of
Newton 20/- . These legacies to be distributed 'at the discretion of the substantialest inhabitance of the Parish or township meeting together on that account.'
To nephew, William Beavan, 15/-
From the residue of the estate £10 is to be provided for funeral expenses

Executor: Joseph Exton junr., gent of Michaelchurch Escley

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Mary Price, James Exton and John Price

Date of Probate:
5 August 1731 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
14 June 1731 , value £86 3 0d. Appraisers Edward Perkins and John Williams




Will and 2 copies of the inventory only. 4 sheets in all. The inventory shows that £79 of the total was due from debtors.
His will is of interest in the provision for the poor of two parishes and also one wonders where his son Philip had gone. Interesting to see his father had provide the basics for setting up home if he returned.


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0517