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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for William Thomas Powell, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated 4 February 1664
Beneficiaries: To grandchildren, Johan Powell and Jane Powell the lands, arable meadow etc in Moorhampton had from Thomas Jenyngs and his wife by indentured deed dated 19 July 1663 and due to be redeemed for £50. Johan Powell, daughter in law and mother of the grandchildren, to have the rents and profits of these lands or the annual interest of the £50 for 9 years for the upkeep of the two grandchildren as long as she remains an unmarried widow.
If the land is redeemed and the £50 is paid before the grandchildren attain the age of 21 , then their mother is to enter a bond with his kinsman William James of St Margarets with a penalty of £100 for the payment of the £50 until they reach 21. Should she marry in the meantime then her husband is to enter into the bond with 2 sureties, within one month of the marriage.
To Johan, daughter in law, 'all my lease lands lying in Clodock …and all the rest and residue of my personal estate, goods cattle and chattels…for and towards the payment of my debts discharging of my funeral expenses and the better maynetenance of my said granchildren'

Executrix: daughter in law, Johan Powell

Marked by testator

Witnesses: Wal. Phee, Thomas Watkins, Watkin Powell and Will: Pytt.

Date of Probate:
3 March 1664

2. Inventory: dated 13 February 1664 , value £37 2 8d. Appraisers Thomas Watkins, William James and Aaron Powell.




A complex will by a man determined that his daughter in law should hold on to the money for his grandchildren and not have access to the capital. Documents include a bond holding the daughter in law along with Aaron Powell of Clodock sureties in the sum of £100. 3 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0507