Held at:

National Library of Wales


BR/1583/94 vol 2


Laser copy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and Inventory for Howell ap Powell

Place name:





1 Will :
6 November 1583 .
Requests to be buried in the parish
church of Clodock .
'My will & mind is that Robert lord of Clydock [Clodock] and his asignes shalle enioye [enjoy] according to his p[ro]myse att my lands and tenets [tenements] wche he nowe houldeth by & under the rent Corne & grayne upon the p[ro]misse Agreed upon except one howese [house] at llyddy at y Garene & two accers of lande to the same howse sepret & terme and unto the date and ffeast of the purificacon of [our] lady wche shalbe in the year of our lord god one thousand five hundred ffower score & ffower and also that the same Robert lord and his assignes shall likewise enioy the other p[ar]te of such lands & Tenets as he houldeth by and under the p[ro]misses as unto him made by the said Testator & one John Parry gent as and for the use & equall rent corne and graine by the said p[ar]ties agreed upon from the daie of making hereof until the daie and ffeast of St Phillip and Jakobe [St James]  the appostells wch shalbe in the yeare  of our lord god  one Thousand five hundred ffower score & five holding paying during & p[er]forming all p[ro]misses & Agreements  mad[e]  and wch on behalfe of the same Robert lord are to be observed'
To Robert lord, 20/-.
To Ann lord, 20/-.
To Saunder lord, 5/-.
To M[ar]garet lord, 5/-
To John lord, 5/-
To Elizabeth lord, 5/-
To Katherine, 10/-
To John Parry, one half of all 'my corne now growing in blade' to be distributed amongst the poor.
Residual legatee, John Parry.

Executor: John Parry    
No signature there is a mark possibly by the testator at the end.

Witnesses: Thomas ap Thomas, Lewis Lloyd, Saunder lord, Harry D[avi]d Morgan, Ann lord, Katheryne Parry wth others.
Date of Probate:  nd

2. Inventory: 
  no date; not totalled. No appraisers.



This was very difficult to decipher in places due to the use by the writer of a number of non standard abbreviations . The first paragraph is rather difficult to make sense of and has therefore been reproduced as fully as it has been able to decipher it. For this portion of the will the original spelling has been kept.
The short inventory is reproduced below, but it is odd in that it apears at the bottom of page 95 and again with all the values at the top of page 96. So it has been show twice here

                    Dettes Due to ye Testator






Imprimis    of Robert lord





Item     one pigge

no value




Item     oats in the barne

no value




Item     vj  acres of corne in blade

no value





                                                                                               £     s     d
Imprimis the oats in the barn                     xiijs iiijd               13   4 
Item    7 acres of corn in the blade             xxxs                1     10
Item    one pig                                                  ijs                           2
Item    inthe hands of Robert Lord            iiijli                   4             
                                                                                               £6     5    4d

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0601