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Probate Collection; Will for David Prosser, farmer

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1. Will dated 23 August 1849 .
To son in law, John Farr of Llanveynoe, all freehold and copyhold messuages and tenements, farms lands etc. and parts and shares of freehold and copyhold messuages, tenements, farms etc. and all other real estate, upon trust; taking the rents and profits until grandchildren, William and James Farr children of late daughter Mary, wife of John Farr, are 21. In the meantime the rents and profits are to be used to pay the interest on a £1500 mortgage taken by the testator and his now dead wife, Mary from Richard Williams of
Newton by an indenture dated 13 August 1837 .
Any surplus profits are to be used for the education , and maintenance of the grandchildren.
Also to John Farr, all the farming stock, crops, implements of husbandry, household furniture dairy utensils and all other personal belongings, in trust to sell and raise as much money as possible for the paying of just debts (the mortgage excepted) funeral and testamentary expenses and legacies as follow:

To John Farr, £100.
To James Watkins of Upper House, Craswall, parish of Clodock, £10
To the 3 daughters of James Watkins, £10 each.
To The 3 children of late brother, Henry Prosser, £10 each.
The rest of the money to be invested in Government stock and the interest used by John Farr for the maintenance, support, education and advancement of the two grandchildren, William and James Farr. The interest and dividends to be provided for them equally as tenants in common not as joint tenants.
The trustee may take his expenses from the trust.

Executor: John Farr.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: John Gwillim of Sunny Bank, Longtown , Thomas Main[?] of Bacton..

Date of Probate:
12 October 1854




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0552