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Probate Collection; Will for Hannah Williams wife of Richard Williams of Newton Cottage.

Place name:





1. Will dated 20 September 1847
'This will is made with the full consent and approbation of my beloved husband Richard Williams…and has given unto me the same power over the part or parts which I shall insert in this my will being my own property which I do by my will bequeath'
To her executors first, the administration of her estates being:
a. The mortgage on David Prosser's estate and ' all the moneys I die possessed of.
b. One third of her estate called Ponterhigou in Cusop parish with its timber and mineral rights.
c. One third part of the Freehold estate called Old Walls in Michaelchurch Eskley. And
d. Her leasehold estate called Castell also in Michaelchurch Eskley.
All rents and moneys from the above to her husband for his lifetime. On his death the estates to be sold. The proceeds of the sale to be shared equally between Elizabeth, wife of John Rowlands, niece, Richard Silwall, nephew and Henry, Thomas, Sarah, Catharin, Jane and Mary sons and daughters of Thomas Silwall, nephew.
£1000 to be equally divided between the children of niece, Elizabeth Watkins, sons and daughters of David Watkins of Upper House in the
township of Craswall .
To Jane, daughter of niece Jane Watkins wife of John Watkins, £40.
To her sister, Heziah, £40.
To John and William Farr, sons of niece Mary Farr, £40 each.
To Eliza, daughter of nephew Thomas Silwall and wife of Robert Gwillim of Lantony Court, county of Monmouth, £100.
To the executors £10 each for their trouble.

Executors: John Jones of Vowchurch and William Farr, of Michaelchurch Eskley both farmers.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: James Farr of Ty Craddock, David Prosser of Mescode [Mescoed], John Gwillim of Sunny Bank 

Date of Probate: 31 March 1857.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
The will is, whilst in a hand reasonably easy to read, very verbose and obviously drawn up by a lawyer. See also her husband's will of the same TNA reference but our reference mfs_new_0549. Although written at separate times, the husband's probably on her death, both were proved on the same date.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0547