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Probate Collection; Will for Mary Jones late of the Merdyand[?] and now of Lower Mescode , widow.

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1. Will dated 8 June 1849
First all debts, funeral and probate expenses to be settled.
To the executors, in trust all household stuff, chattels, money in bonds, notes or other securities with all interest due.
To James, son of my granddaughter Jane Watkins deceased, £50 to be paid him when he reaches 21 in the meantime the interest on the £50 to be paid to his father James Watkins for the boy's clothing and education. If the child dies before reaching 21 the money is to revert to the trustees as part of the estate for distribution as instructed.
To granddaughter, Mary Prichard, spinster, £100.
To nephew, John Farr 'now residing with me', one bed, bedframe and bedclothes.
All the remaining money to her three children, Phillip Jones, James Jones, Ann, wife of William Watkins of the Crown Inn, Longtown and the children of late daughter Mary wife of Daniel Jones of Newton deceased, to be divided into 4 equal shares, one each for Phillip, James, Ann and Mary's children. The latter's share to be invested by the executors and the interest paid to Daniel, their father who is responsible for using it for their education and clothing during their minority. Each child to receive their own share of the capitol on reaching 21. .

Executors: William Farr of Tycradock, Michaelchurch Eskley and John Farr of

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Gwillim of Sunny Bank, James Farr of the Merdy.

Date of Probate:
7 October 1853 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0551