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Probate Collection; Will for Richard Williams of Newton Cottage.

Place name:





1. Will dated 10 March 1854
To his executors all his goods and money. All money owed or due to be gathered in and all his goods to be sold at auction and the funds raised together with the other money to be used for the payment of debts , funeral and testamentary expenses, the expense of proving the will and that of his late wife [see mfs_new_0547. Also PROB11/2249] and to pay legacies.
The bequests made in his wife's will to be paid by his executors out of the mortgage on David Prosser's estate with the remainder of the mortgage money to be added to that raised by the sale above.
To brother, William Williams, £19 19 0d
To niece, Anne Joilius, £19 19 0d
To niece, Mary, wife of Elijah Reece, £10.
To nephew, William Blanton, £50.
To niece, Mary wife of Bowen Nicholas, £50.
To niece, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Williams of the Green, £50
To niece, Margaret Price wife of Daves Price of The Woodlands, £50.
To nephew, John Williams now residing [indecipherable] Farm, £30.
To nephew Richard Williams, £50.
To sister, Sara Prosser, £19 19 0d
To Margaret wife of George Watkins of Michaelchurch Eskley, carpenter, £19 19 0d
To sister, Margaret Morgan, £10.
To Anna, wife of Edward Price of The Gate in the
township of Newton , £100.
To niece, Elizah Williams, £100.
To brother, John Williams, '…all that cottage and gardens wherein I now reside with all the lands purchased of David Prosser for the term of his natural life excepting the cottage and garden those form only the endowment my brother is to have with the cottage and lands for the term of his natural life' [given in full because the meaning is unclear]
To brother, William Williams, the cottage and gardens where Edward Walters , wheelwright resides, for his life time. On the death of brother William the cottage together with the adjoining meadow is to pass to Anne Price, above, of The Gate
On the death of brother, John, the cottage etc is to pass to nephew William Williams plus the plough field bought of David Prosser lying between the roads leading to the Tump and the main waste.
To nephew, Henry Williams, the house cottage and lands purchased of the late John Price, mason, called Guvach.
To niece Ann, 'who now resides with me', the freehold cottage called Glin Gleed which belongs to the testator and Ann Powell. The cottage is given for the sole use of Ann Williams.
To sister, Mary Maybery, 4/- per week to be paid her weekly out of the rent from Llenau Estate for life.
If the sale of his goods etc is insufficient to pay all debts expenses and legacies then the outstanding balance to be charged to the Llenau Estate until all is paid. On the death of Mary Maybery, the Llenau estate is to pass to brother in law John Jones of Vowchurch and on his death to his 4 children, John, Sarah, Arthur and Ann, sons and daughter of sister Judith Jones, as tenants in common and not joint tenants and their heirs.
Executors are to have their expenses for travel and time.

Executors: John Jones of Vowchurch, brother in law,  and William Farr of Tyr Craddock in Michaelchurch Eskley.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Thomas Sanders of Newton and John Gwillim of Sunny Bank, Longtown 

Date of Probate:
31 March 1857




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
The will is, whilst in a hand reasonably easy to read, obviously drawn up by a lawyer.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0549