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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Jennings, tanner

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1. Will dated 7 December 1619
To the buying of a bell for Michaelchurch Eskley church. 40/- 'to be payd when the bell shalbe bought'.
All debts to be paid
To Sibill, wife, the house and land etc where the testator is living which he bought from John Thomas, Philippp Morgan, Philipp Parry and Morgan William Thomas Howell [or possibly Powell] except his tan house 'and some other houses upon the land boughest of Phe [Philipp] Morgan' for Rowland, Thomas and John his sons to use for a tanning business for which he leaves the sons some bark and other materials.
After the death of his wife Sibill, his son Rowland is to inherit the dwelling and lands etc less £40 which Rowland is to pay to the testator's sister Johan and 25/- to son, Charles, yearly for the lifetime of Sibill Bird, the sister's daughter. And Rowland is to permit his mother the use of the land bought from Phe Parry in his, Rowland's name.
To wife, Sibill, 10 kine, one horse, all the sheep, swine and poultry and all the corn in the ground and in the barn. In addition she is to have the use of all his household stuff which after her death is to be shared between 'all my children then living.'
To grandson Thomas, son of Charles , all the lands in Poston except that the rents etc due and payable are to go to wife, Sibill for her lifetime and thereafter to Sibill Bird until her death.
To son, John, £300 made up as follows, £110 lent by the testator in John's name to Mr Harper, £6 similarly in the hands of Abraham Prosser and '3 score and thirteen pounds in hands of Carnardums together with £110 in mortgage on Richard Thomas Powell's land; again with the exception of the annual 25/- to son, Charles after the death of the testator's wife, Sibill and during the lifetime of Sibill Bird.
To daughter, Johan, £100 in addition to the £40 above to be paid two years after the testator's death.
To Margaret, daughter, £100 to be paid 2 years after the death of the testator on condition that Richard Wilton, her husband put up a further £100 and buys land 'in fee simple' to the value of £200 for their use.
To son, Thomas, the land purchased from William Henry Williams and Thomas James in his name and the £220 of the testator's money in the hands of Mr Green due by specialty. Except once again the yearly 25/- to be paid to Charles, after the death of wife, Sibill, and during the life of Sibill Bird.
To Phillipp Lloud [Lloyd?] my servant, a two year old heifer.
To Thomas John Lewis, my wearing apparel.
The residue of his goods to be sold and the money raised to be split between his sons except where the executors feel that wife Sibell, wife, is properly provided for.
The sons must acknowledge their various legacies. Rowland for the lands bought from Harry John Thomas and Phe. Parry; Thomas for lands bought of William Harry Williams and the money in Mr Green's hands; Charles for lands bought from Sir Humphrey Baskerville which the testator and his wife Sibill gave him on his marriage as well as the land left to his son Thomas; John for the money he has been left.
My executors shall have their charges covered for proving, signing, fulfilling and executing my will.
To Charles, son, the money due from William Whitelach which my executors are to call in.

2. Codicil: dated 8 March 1619
'Be yt knowne that whereas I Thomas Jenninges of the parish of Clodocke… tanner made my last will and testament in writing and bearing date 7 December 1619 ……I have changed my mynd touching certaine thinges'
First in the will £300 was left to John, since then the executors with the testator's approval lent out £100 to one Lucas Thomas on behalf of John and this shall be considered part of his portion
To the poor at my funeral, as much of my goods as the executors decide.
To The 4 poor children of Thomas Dappas, £4 'towards the placing of them in service as prentices'.
In the will £140 was bequeathed to Johan, daughter, but executors are advised that if she decides to marry a man of insufficient means to match her portion then they are authorised to reduce her legacy as they think suitable to 'his estate and means'.

Executors: sons, Thomas and Charles.

Probably signed by testator

Witnesses: To the will: Rowland Jennings, Charles Jennings, John Jennings, Thomas Henry.
To the codicil: Rowland Jennings, Charles Jennings, John Jennings, Sibill Bird and Thomas Jeny Scr.

Date of Probate:
4 July 1620 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
This is a long, 4 pages with the codicil, document very legalistic and repetitive quite a difficult hand to read in places.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0548