Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Harry John Watkins als George Harry Watkins

Place name:






1. Bond 1 dated 21 June 1638 with bounden Maud Watkins of Rolston, widow and Thomas Antony of St Davids in Llanwase, county Hereford , gent in a surety of £40.

?? Date of Probate: as Bond

2. Inventory: no date; value £19?? 0?? 4d.?? Appraisers: James Prichard, Phillip Prichard, John Watkins and Edward Watkins.




The inventory is written in a very illiterate hand, for example he spells 'one???, 'wan???. It is also quite tricky to decipher; from the signatures of the appraises it seems to have been written by James Prichard.
The inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling..
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Inventory



?? £

?? s

?? d

In primis for one yoke of oxen


?????? 4

?????? 0

?????? 0

Item?????? for 4 kine


?????? 6



Item?????? one mare


?????? 1



Item?????? for 3 yearling beasts


???? ?? 1

?? 10


Item?????? 3 weaning calves



?? 10


Item?????? 10 ewes and 10 lambs


?????? 1

?? 13


Item?????? 3small hogs



?????? 7


Item?????? all the poultry about the house



?????? 1


Item?????? one brass pan?? two brass pots one cauldron
?????? one frying pan?? 10 pieces of pewter


?????? 1



Item?????? all the wooden vessels about the house



?????? 2


Item?????? all the implements of husbandry



?????? 2


Item?????? two feather beds one flock bed with their
?????? appurtenances


?????? 2



Item?????? one table board?? one board cloth?? 6 table
?????? napkins



?????? 3


Item?????? one brandiron and two andirons and one
?????? 'sitte??? [spit?]



?????? 2


Item?????? all his wearing apparel



?? 10







?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Summa Totall lxxjli

Prised by
Thomas Prys?? and
John Powell wm

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0444