Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; the 2 bonds and documents for Hugh Morgan, yeoman

Place name:






1. Bond 1 dated 23 January 1636 with bounden Catherine Morgan of Rowlston, widow and Phillipp Prichard of the same place, gent in a surety of £200.

Bond 2 ?? dated
23 April 1636 with bounden Thomas William James of Grosmont, county Monmouth , yeoman in a surety of £100.
[The designation 'Bond 1??? and 'Bond 2??? has been made b the NLW and they did not necessarily occur in that order, if the old calendar was being used.]

2. Inventory: [with copy] dated
19 April 1636 ; value £71?? 0?? 0d.?? Appraisers: James Prichard, Harry Phillip, and Jenkin Scudamore.




Although there are 2 copies of the inventory and both are dated for 19 April and therefore seeming to relate to Bond 1, each copy has a different official Latin endorsement. I1 is endorsed with the date 24th January 1636 and seems to relate to Catherine Morgan whilst I2 ??? s endorsement is dated 23 April 1636 ?? and seems to refer to Thomas William James. Neither of these endorsements are the usual 'Probat fuit....???. The inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling..
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Inventory



?? £

?? s

?? d

Imprimis four oxen valued and priced at

xli ??




Itt???? four kine & 3 calves???????? priced at


?? 7



Itt???? young beasts, xiiij[14] vizt 2 of 3 years old
?? 6 of 2 years old & of one year old, 6





Itt???? 2 mares and one horse?????? priced at


?? 5



Itt???? in ewes and lambs 16 couples & 4 yearlings


?? 3



Itt???? in swine and poultry?????? priced at


?? 1



Itt???? 3 feather beds 2 flock beds 4 bedsteads with
?????? their appurtenances?????? priced at


?? 4



Itt???? cupboards 2, coffers 7?????? priced at


?? 1



Itt???? 5 pans 3 pots of brass & one iron pot?????? priced at

liijs iiijd

?? 2


?? 4

Itt???? 3 cauldrons, & 2 posnets of brass

vjs viijd


?? 6

?? 8

Itt???? of pewter dishes 19 wth 12 pewter saucers


?? 1



Itt???? 5 brass candlesticks & one pewter candlestick

vjs viijd


?? 6

?? 8

Itt???? 2 iron broches, 2 pair of cobbards, one dripping
?????? pan of iron, one frying pan 2 brand irons
?????? & all other small implmnts of iron?????? priced at

?? xs




Itt???? Stands barrels and vats & trind ware?????? priced at

???? xs




Itt???? one iron wain, one pair of harrows 2 ploughs
?????? & all other implmnts belonging to husbandry???? priced at.

?? xls

?? 2



Itt???? 3 table boards, 4 bouches, one chair???? priced at

?? vjs viijd


?? 6

?? 8

Itt???? corn in the barn unthreshed as wheat rye and
???????? oats?????? priced at

?? iiijli

?? 4



Itt???? his hard corn growing upon the ground
?????? 20 acres???????? priced at

???????? xli




Itt???? ?? barley 7 acres,?? peas 2 acres, oats 24 acres
???????????????? priced at


?? 9



Itt???? the decedents bodily apparel?????? priced at

xxvili viijd

?? 1

?? 6

?? 8






?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Summa Totall lxxjli

Prised by
Thomas Prys?? and
John Powell wm

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0443