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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The Will and documents of Mary Wall, widow

Place name:





1. Will dated 11 September 1783:
Beneficiaries: To son, John, ' the feather bed he lieth upon', 2 pair of coarse sheets, the chest from his room, the largest and smallest iron pots, the chairs 'I bought of my sister in law Sarah James being part of her goods' the cupboard in the kitchen by the fire and the table in the window and the 'beaufet' [?buffet] in the parlour, 2 small barrels, 2 tubs, one trind in the mill, dressing sieves and stocking axe.
To Elizabeth Burrows, daughter, feather bed and bolster, 'to be sent immediately on my decease'
All the remainder to be divided equally between daughter, Sarah Wall, and son, William after they have paid granddaughter Ann Wall 2 gns.

Executors: Son, William and daughter Sarah Wall.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: George Gilbert [s] & Benedict Gilbert [s]

Date of Probate: 20 February 1786

2. Inventory: [plus copy] Dated 16 February, value £17 5 0d. Appraisers David Gilbert & James Gilbert.




The documents include 2 coversheets and a separate registration instruction; 6 sheets in all.

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