Held at: | National Library of |
Reference: | BR/1798/70 |
Source: | Photocopy of original document |
Title: | Probate Collection; The Will and documents of Mary Williams, widow. |
Place name: | Rowlestone |
Date: | 1706 |
1. Will dated
Beneficiaries: All stock and personal property to be sold and held in trust for son William Williams save for £7. The trustees to hold the money and parcel it out when son is in need unless William is buying an estate when he can have the whole amount.
The £7 to be invested by the trustees for the sake of grandson, William Lloyd, and the interest laid out annually for clothing for the boy until he reaches 16 when he can have the capital sum. Should he die before then, the £7 to go to son William.
Executors and trustees: Thomas Lewis of Castle bach, Ann Lewis his wife & David Prichard of Teekennol.
Marked by testator.
Witnesses: Revd Philip Price, curate of Rowlestone & Henry Symons.
Date of Probate:
2. Inventory: [plus copy] Dated 12 May 1798, value £60 8 0d. Appraisers Lewis Jones and Philip Jones.
Includes separate registration instruction and coversheet. 5 pages in all.
Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0415