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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The Will and documents of Reese Prosser

Place name:





1. Will [2pages] dated 10 October 1667:
Beneficiaries: To wife, Ann, the house orchard and garden of his dwelling house plus one meadow and five parcels of land pasture and arable of approx 20 acres abutting the lands of John Scudamore Esq and the land of Humphrey Baskerville and the highway leading from Pontrilas to Rowlstone church. Also 4 other parcels of arable, pasture and wood land called Caye Bach of about 24 acres abutting the lane leading from Llangua to Rowlstone and to John Scudamore's land called karne braen and Rowlstone Park, and to one parcel of land late of James David. And my wife is to have hedgeboot, ploughboot and fireboot upon the premises for her lifetime and on her death it is all to go:
To John Prosser, gentleman, of Kentchurch, nephew. In consideration of which John Prosser is to pay his 2 natural sisters Elizabeth and Sibill, nieces to the testator, £25 each unless either of them marries without consent of their brother in which case they forfeit their £25 which their brother is to use for their maintenance and the maintenance of their children
To Elizabeth her father's best brazen pot or crock and a brass pan given her by her father's will.
To Sibill her father's best brass pan and his second brass pot or crock as they were given her by her father's will.
To Ann the rest and residue of all the goods, cattle, chattels and household stuff.

Executrix: wife, Ann

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: [?]T. Price, clerk, Elizabeth Saunders, John Prosser, Elizabeth Prosser and John Prichard.

Date of Probate: 4 August 1668.

2. Inventory: dated 13 November 1667, value £30 6 0d [ Should be £30 7 4d] Appraisers Phillip Prichard, Richard Prichard & Gregory Price.




Includes a bond with bound Ann Prosser and John Phillips and a separate coversheet; 5 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0409