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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The Will and documents of William Wall, yeoman

Place name:





1.Will [2 pages] dated 18 November 1780
Beneficiaries: To wife, Mary, 'The house … wherein I now dwell together with the house…with the corn grist mill and the house and garden in Pudding Street…Roulstone now in my possession and of John Lewis my tenant', for her lifetime and then
To son John subject to the payment of legacies. John not to sell or mortgage any part of the estate except to raise enough funds for these legacies. Should he sell or mortgage for more than needed the whole estate to pass to son George again with the proviso regarding the sale or mortgaging to pay the legacies.
Also to Wife Mary, that parcel of land called 'Sibly home' in Llancillo in the tenancy of James Gilbert for her lifetime and thence to son, George upon payment of a legacy. In addition to George: the cottage house and garden in
Pudding Street on the death of wife, Mary.
To daughter Elizabeth Burrows, £20
To daughter Sarah Wall £40.
To granddaughter, Anne Wall, daughter of son William, £30 These three legacies to be paid by son ,John, on the death of his mother.
To daughter,
Elizabeth Burrows, another £10 to be paid from the mortgaging of 'Sibly home' by George.
Finally all goods cattle, chattels and personal state to Mary wife for the settlement of debts and funeral expenses.

Executors: Son, George and wife, Mary Wall.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Thomas Jennings, Theos. Gilbert Benedict Gilbert.

Date of Probate:
1 March 1781

2. Inventory: [plus copy]Dated 20 February 1781, value £19 15 0d. Appraisers Thomas Jennings and David Gilbert.




5 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0403