Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for David Prichard, ' taylor '

Place name:





1. Will dated 2 April 1760 :
Beneficiaries: To wife, Mary, everything provided she settles debts and funeral expenses and pays out the following small bequests.
To son, David, one shilling.
To son, John, £10 and, at the discretion of executrix, 2 iron pots.
To son Thomas, one shilling.
To son, Phillip, one shilling.
If the wife continues to hold the lands rented from John Prichard Esq. then she is to maintain son James until he reaches 14. But if she does not want these lands the lease to be passed to son John Prichard who is to look after James till he attains 14.
To son James, 'all my cloathes and wearing apparel to wear till he is fourteen...' also 20/- when he gets to 14.
To daughter Elizabeth, one bed and a box 'when she shall have occasion of keeping a house' but should she die before marrying then the bed to go to daughter Anne.

Executrix: wife, Mary Prichard

Marked by testator

Witnesses: Reece Prichard & Ben

Date of Probate:
22 April 1760

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
21 April 1760 value £37 12 3d. Appraiser Walter Price & Lewis Watkins



Observations :

Includes coversheet,7 pages in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0369