Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Simon Jones, gentleman

Place name:





Will dated 6 July 1665
Beneficiaries: To Martha, wife, so long as she remains unmarried, all that messuage etc 'wherein one Simond James deceased did heretofore dwell…situate in the parish of Llancillowe' also the parcel of land known as Gwrlod [?]Watkin and the parcel called [?]Maes y wrigtha together with another called Stockime and one called Tae yr groi[last letter undecipherable]. If Martha re marries then the lands go to daughters Jane and Winifred .
£3 left specifically for funeral expenses.

Executrix: wife Martha.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John Robert, David Cox, John Wayne & John Prichard.

Date of Probate: 23 8bris 1665 [this is the clerk's shorthand,
octo being Latin for eight , the eighth month after 25th March when the year changed. Thus 8bris is October.]

Inventory: dated 1 August 1665, value £12 6 8d. Appraisers Phillip Prichard, William Wale & Phillipp Price.



Observations :

An interesting will in a difficult to read hand. It contains instructions to be buried in the parish church or chancel. Includes a bond; 3 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0365