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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for William Price, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated 19 May 1795, with mark:
Beneficiaries: To wife, Phoebe, £30 upon bond due from brother in law John Prosser of Chapel Ifeen [?Capel y ffin] in the parish of Llanigon, '…also the three parts of an estate called Teethcock or whatsoever share or shares of it I now possess…' plus all stock, goods and chattels and personal effects for her lifetime.
Thereafter the estate to be divided equally between the six children, Phoebe, James, William, Mary, Thomas and Anne

Executrix: wife, Phoebe Price

Witnesses: Revd. Philip Price [s], Rollestone, James Symonds [s] & Leah Symonds [s]

Date of Probate: 16 May 1803

Inventory: none but cover sheet endorsed under £600.



Observations :

Documents include formal letter from the Diocesan Registrar to the Revds. Roger Davies, John Rogers and Thomas Bowen for the executrix to produce an inventory and be sworn, a copy of the oath and a certificate from Revd Roger Davies that he has complied, a cover sheet and a separate registration instruction; 6 sheets in all.

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